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Topic: RE: Curves 6 week program
I have been to curves before but I didn't know of this diet thing and support they have. I was wondering if that part of it was any good. My fault for not clarifying. Sorry.
Ever try weigh****chers? Are they any good? Worth the money?
Topic: RE: Fibermyalgia
I had a orthopedic doc prescribe mobic for my fib. too. I spoke with my surgoen and he told me not to take it. he said that it can upset the lining of the stomach just like ibuprofen. the problem is the treatment is a light scope down your throat if you develop a bleed and thats where us with little stomachs have the problem. It can cause the stomach to rupture. It is not a cause of the meds but of the cure to heal it. I hope this helps.
Topic: RE: Curves 6 week program
I'm not sure about the six week program but I used Curves for about three months and really enjoyed it. It is low impact and it really worked for me. Just remember to keep up your protien and water. Good Luck.
Topic: Hypoglycemia anyone??
I posted a while back about having problems with my low blood sugar. I read alot but very seldom do i ever post. But i was just wandering if any of ya'll are having problems with hypoglycemia? I am leaving on the 12th headed to the Mayo Clinic in Minnisota for surgery. I ended up being one or those rare statistics that have an over active pancreas after surgery. They call it (Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia w/ neuroglycopenia). Basiclly it means that when i eat, my blood sugar drops extremely low. The plan is to remove part of my pancreas so that i will not produce so much insulin therefore leaving me low blood sugar free. I have been fighting a battle since about March with this low blood sugar thing. It has dropped as low as 15 on a few different occasions. It averages about 50-60 until I eat then it drops. I have been able to maintain between 155-165 though. And that is great. My 10's are to big. So it's 6-8's. (I even squeezed into a 4) I bout peed on my self too. I am looking forward to having all of this behind me and enjoying my new life once again. Would love to hear from anyone that is experienceing any of the same problems.
Topic: She's been approved!
Just wanted to let you all know that my youngest (18 year old) has been approved for gastric bypass surgery. She goes in to meet with the surgeon on October 5. She is just beside herself with excitement, as am I. I think I'm more excited for her than I was for myself!
I just pray that she does as well as I have, if not better. She has been well prepared by the bariatric center and by watching mom over the last 18 months.
Here we go...........

Topic: RE: It never crossed my mind
Oh Paula, (((HUGS))) to you dear. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated.
Topic: RE: 9 days away
I'm so excited for you, Debbie. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
Topic: RE: 9 days away
That is great!! I hope that things go smoothly for you and that you recover quickly.