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on 9/19/05 4:39 am
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
Hello All, I have also gained back 20 pounds, due to a lot of insulin and other medication changes. I know that I need more exercise, unfortunately I am not able to consume as much protein as others. Due to being diabetic and leaking too much protein in my urine I was told by my doctor that large amounts of protein is not good for me to consume. So I have switched to eating a ton of Tofu with vegetables. My weight can easily fluctuate 5 pounds up or down in a week. This process is so much harder than I ever thought it would be, but I am trying to keep hope alive that I will one day make it to my surgeons goal of 202 pounds. Lulu
Michelle A.
on 9/17/05 3:04 pm - Denver, Co
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
I am ashamed to admit this and this is the only place I have admitted this. I have gained back 20lbs!!! I never even reached my century goal. I suffered a miscarriage in June and it just threw me into a depression that hasn't let up. Its not that I am "pigging out" I am just more hungry and more often and I can eat more then my peers. For instance I can eat a whole sandwich instead of just a half. I am very sad about this gain but just am not in the right set of mind yet to lose anymore. hugs, Michelle
on 9/15/05 7:55 pm - salem, or
Topic: HELP!!! potassium
anyone having problems absobing potassium . All blood work is good except potassium. Im eating bannanas, kiwi and all potassium rich foods. Im on vitamins, a supplement from Dr. and a vitamin drink and it came back low again is there a key Im missing. my doc doesent know or he would tell me. My bp went up now and I think its due to the potassium I was fine after surgery please let me know or who I can contact for advise Thanks
on 9/12/05 11:29 pm - West Warwick, RI
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
Joanne, I just read your recent profile update & u r SOOOOO RIGHT!!!!!! all the newbees think this is soooo easy you'll never have to diet & u will always get full on a small amount of food.... WRONG WRONG WRONG !!!!!!!! everyday is a STRUGGLE its just like before surgery having to watch EVERY lil thing u eat excersice EVERY DAY & say to yourself "I'm full I don't want anymore" which is BS !!!!!! & yes its true we don't dump on surgar & fats in fact i can REALLY pile it on if I want too especially the "sweets" my stomach can handle ANY TYPE of food I can't stand these people who get full on 1/2 of a sandwich!!!!! OH PLEASE "give me a break" anyway now that I have vented to u, on with life .... DEB
on 9/12/05 7:44 pm - East Greenville, PA
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
you are not alone in this Joanne!! I am right there with you. Bad habits and old foods slip back in and its frustrating as anything has ever been! I had some surgeries this spring and summer and got down to about 182lbs but last time I was on the scale I was @ 187 and now I am afraid to get back on!! I know I need to exercise and eat more protein, but protein doesnt crunch in my mouth when I am falling asleep at work. I also know how it feels not to be able to afford protein shakes. When I cant afford to buy my protein powder, I just make sure I drink a lot of milk mixed with Carnation SFIB so I am getting a decent amt of protein that way.... Its so hard...Just take each day as a new experience and try your best. Dont forget the way you felt when you were so big and try not to forget the skills we;ve learned along this journey!! Thats how I get through it... sarah
on 9/12/05 11:56 am - Exeter, RI
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
I am ashamed to say that it looks like I am the only one who gained back. I gained back 20lbs. I have really failed this. But I am still trying. I find that the more protein shakes I have a day, the more I lose. Now I have run out of protein AND money to get them. Have to wait about a week and then maybe I can get some. I am trying to be more active. It is hard when I work and then come home to cook. I am usually to beat to do anythign by the time I get home. I can't even walk during lunch because we don't take lunches out. I work in a small office and we eat lunch and work at the same time. have to keep manning the phones. Tonight I over did it and . I made homemade pea soup and had a bowl with 1/2 cheese sandwich. But an hour before that I had a boiled egg and a protein shake. So I over did it. When will I ever learn? Joanne
on 9/12/05 10:01 am - Capital District, NY
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
Rhonda - I'm fairly stable at about 240; 100 lbs + a little down. I'm having to watch what I eat more, and due to issues with my blood sugar bouncing around after I eat, I think I'm going to switch at least temporarily to 4 smaller meals per day... Also going to try to get appt with the local bariatric nutritionist (I moved just before my surgery, but still had it in the place I used to live about 2 hrs away). Snacking and stress is a big enemy.. Try the post-op "pouch rules" to water load and try to get the feeling of fullness and find something to do with your hands so you don't snack. I fight the same all the time, it's actually worse now that I need to eat more frequently.. If that doesn't work, try for higher fiber, low calorie snacks to fill up and not have as big an impact. Or, if you can tolerate it, beef jerky works well for me - gets extra protein and stays with me a while... ..N
(deactivated member)
on 9/11/05 12:59 am - CA
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
Wanda, So glad the snow cones are working for you too. Had WLS buddies and their significant others over last weekend and I made snow cones for everyone!!!! It was a big hit to say the least. Everyone really enjoyed them. I like the fruit flavored syrups the best for snow cones and had about 7 different flavors for everyone to try. I weigh almost every day too. It helps me stay on track. Mary
on 9/9/05 5:11 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
I haven't gained any weight back, Rhonda, and that really surprises me. I had started snacking in the evenings which is an old habit and it scared the heck out of me. Mary had suggested snow cones and I went out and bought a snow cone maker with sugar free syrup. OMG!!! That is the best stuff. It has helped tremendously with my evening cravings. It also came in handy last week when I had a stomach virus. I'm one of those people who weighs herself everyday. I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help myself. If I see the scale go up at all, I try really hard to do what I know I should. That has really helped me. When I think back to before the surgery and when I would gain weight, it was when I totally ignored the scales. Its almost as if part of my brain is in those scales. I have to admit, I have not been exercising the way I should here lately. My lame excuse is its too hot. Well, its starting to cool down... I have no more excuse! I think there comes a time when you either "make it" or you don't. This is where we have to be strong. This site really helps to give me strength! Wishing you the best......Wanda
on 9/9/05 4:37 am - Columbia City, IN
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
Not yet, thank goodness. I did gain about 4 pounds when my husband and I went away for along weekend and I ate ALL of the wrong things, but after falling back into my routine this week, I'm right back to normal. I swing between 146 - 148 lbs most of the time. I tend to drop 2-3 lbs. right before "that time of the month", then I settle back into the normal range and I've stayed there since early January. I'm trying to make 150 lbs. my check point. Anything over that means I have to work harder to correct bad habits creeping back in (like your comfort food...I do the same thing). Good luck.
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