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on 10/23/05 1:54 am
DS on 03/05/15
Topic: RE: My Life and Times
Hi Denise, I don't usually find time to post often, but I read all the time. Congrats on your bundle...I am so happy for you. News here is that my insurance company just approved my tummy tuck surgery. I am very excited, but have a lot of work to do to see if I can finance breast lift and augment at the same time. I am still 20 pounds from my goal, but I will get there. Especially with the surgery prep regime that I am putting myself on. 100 grams protein, 128 ounce water, 1 hour weight training (4-5 /week), and the vitamins (of course). I, like you, wonder about my February brothers and sisters. I know we are all living and dealing with much more active lives since our surgeries and have less and less time to be on the computer. I hope alot of people respond, sure would like to hear what is going on with everyone. Dorothy 325/185/165
on 10/22/05 7:58 am - Harrisburg, PA
Topic: My Life and Times
Hello friends. I hope you are all well and enjoying life's pleasures. Our board has been slow. Life does get slow at times, doesn't it? Things have been going well for me and my family. I'm 21 weeks pregnant and so far things have been going very well. I've gained 7 pounds, only after I lost 8 pounds in one month between prenatal appointments. My OB/GYN said he was concerned about the loss (uh, you talkin to me?) I rebounded well and am up to 206 pounds at the last weigh in. My daughter and husband are excited about our new bundle, due at the end of February. A very dear friend is in the process of having his WLS scheduled, probably sometime before the end of the year. I'm not sure why, but I'm nervous for him. Please share your lastest news...or just a hello will do. Denise
on 10/22/05 7:51 am - Harrisburg, PA
Topic: RE: Happy Weekend!!
Hi Annette - have a great weekend. Celebrating with family is a great time. Happy Birthday. Well the weekend is happening now and it's cold, wet and raw outside here in Central PA. I just treated my daughter to a kids meal at wendy's and I got a baked potato and a BIGGIE iced tea. Tomorrow we will be carving her pumpkins and I hope to finish her halloween costume. My husband works all weekend, so it's just us girls. Have fun and be safe. Denise
on 10/21/05 5:54 am - Blackwood, NJ
Topic: Happy Weekend!!
Today is Friday! Yay. My 30th birthday was on the 10th and we are going to celebrate it tomorrow with my sister whose turns 20 on the 24th and my neice who turned 3 the same day I turned 30. I am going to enjoy myself tomorrow. What is everyone else doing this weekend? I will check you guys out on Monday my pc at home is still down well not my pc my phone lines and I just got frustrated and cancelled my home service. Love you much my WL brothas and sistas. Annette
on 10/20/05 6:46 am - Az
Topic: RE: Update on me..
Lee, I know you will soon have a wonderful baby. Try to relax and not put alot of pressure on yourself. I know I have 2 kids too. It has a effect so take a relaxing bath and a deep breath.... Think happy thoughts. I will be thinking of you Best of Luck! Jill
on 10/20/05 6:41 am - Az
Topic: RE: Loose Skin HELP............
Thanks just had several weeks of horrible rash in groin and under breast area and under stomach. Had to take antifungal meds for 2 weeks to get rid of it. Does the doctor need to document the rashes or can you do it yourself. Again Thanks!
Leeanne S.
on 10/18/05 10:21 pm - Huntington, NY
Topic: RE: Update on me..
Hey there, good to see you, I dont see you on here that much anymore... I am willing to try anything and faith is somthing that I have, and I hope will bring us through this with a child or two Thanks for your support. xoxox
on 10/18/05 8:15 am - Exeter, RI
Topic: RE: Update on me..
Hi Leeanne, I am sure God is going to grant you your wi**** will happen Honey. Just let go and let God. I find that it works miracles when I can let go of things. Thing is I am not a religious person at all but I know for a fact (my own experiences) that when you put all your faith in the fact that He will take care of you, He does. I have used this method for years and it has gotten me through some very hard times. One day, you and your husband will be blessed with the sweetness of a little one(s). Joanne
on 10/18/05 5:00 am - Northern CA
Topic: RE: Have you GAINED any weight??
I was just checking the February board just to see what was going on with people who had the surgery along the same time I did. I am maintaining my weight loss. I was in Louisiana about two months ago due to heat loss six pounds water I assume. I have since put most of that back on but if you look at my profile I have maintain since April at 182 pounds. Now this is what works for me. I measure using only 1/2 cup, no I am not full on 1/2 cup but this is my stopping point; I drink 100 ounces of water daily, and I walk 25/30 miles per week; I write down everything I eat. I would like to lose back down to 176 or 175. I don't do the protein drinks anymore, I notice in the posting this seems to be the key so, I will invest in a case of protein this weekend and see what happen. For those who have gain don't beat upon yourself, you have done well. Try and use some of the pointer that work for me and see will this help you. After all we are in the together for the rest of our life. Read my profile it may or may not help you. I know you can DO IT! Happy Tuesday! Shirley
on 10/17/05 11:18 pm - Blackwood, NJ
Topic: RE: Grocery List
You know those sugar free fudgecicles find their way in my cart too and those sugar free popcicles. I am bad with coffee I get regular, but one thing that I don't drink unless there is nothing else is soda. I don't even buy it for my family, they drink crystal light right along with me. One thing I do is when I feel as though I am getting off track I go back to my list the surgeon gave me to bring me back. Annette
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