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on 10/31/05 9:39 pm - Harrisburg, PA
Topic: RE: My Life and Times
Congrats on the insurance approval, Dorothy. I'll be praying for you. Don't be a stranger. Denise
on 10/31/05 11:29 am - West, TN
Topic: Sometimes, things are better left unsaid!
I just returned from a very needed weeklong vacation and have to see if any of you have been through this scenerio yet. On two seperate occasions, I was laying at the pool where we were staying and both times people around me started talking about Al Roker and his WLS (yes, this really freaked me out!). They went on and on about how horrible the surgery is and how he was very fortunate to do so well with it. Of course, the people talking about it all knew someone who had the surgery and had horrible complications from it. And of course, they all knew more about it than probably our surgeons! Anyway, I listened each time and debated about telling them about my experience with the WLS. Of course, I couldn't keep my mouth shut and told them all that I had the surgery 20 months ago. You could have heard a pin drop after I told them. They couldn't believe that I had had the surgery. I was nice about it but I think they felt a little awkward to say the least. I didn't tell them about my surgery to make them feel awkward but to let them know that not everyone has complications from this surgery. One lady even went as far as to say "well, you haven't had any, YET". I didn't let that bother me, as I'm sure my swimsuit was about 5 sizes smaller than hers! (I know, childish.... but I do have a little bit of an evil streak in me!) This just goes to show, you never know how what you say can affect the people around you. Has this happened to anyone else? Wanda
on 10/31/05 11:08 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Finally Got One
Thanks. I'm doing really good. I feel wonderful!!! I am in awe that you have lost almost 300 pounds. You've lost two whole people!!! You HAVE TO find a before and after picture for us to see. That is such an awesome accomplishment!!! I know you've worked hard for this and you have done wonderful!!!
on 10/31/05 11:01 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: My Life and Times
I'm so thrilled for you, Denise. I can't believe you are already 21 months along. It seems like just yesterday when you announced the good news! Sounds like you are doing wonderful. Please let us know how you are doing in the future! I went for my 18 month check up (20 months actually) three weeks ago and had a complete blood workup done. Everything came back normal. I was so relieved! My doc asked me if I had any concerns and I told her that I was concerned about not being able to shed these last 25 - 30 pounds. She looked at my chart and told me that I was where I was supposed to be. She told me I have about 15 pounds of extra skin that I won't be able to lose through my diet. She asked if I would be interested in having it removed surgically and I've opted not to. I feel wonderful and if the extra skin doesn't bother my husband or myself, I can live with it. I actually cried walking out to my car after my appointment. It was such a relief to hear her say I'm where I'm supposed to be. I've really been feeling like a failure since Christmas because I couldn't seem to shed this last bit of weight. It was also such a relief to have my blood work show everything in the normal range. You said you have a friend who is in the process of having WLS and said how concerned you are about him. My daughter is scheduled to have WLS on November 14. I'm more nervous and concerned about her than I ever was for myself. Isn't it funny how we worry more about the people we care for more so than we do for ourselves. I'm so excited for her and pray she does as well as I have. She's already talking about how she wants a leather jacket for Christmas (something she never even considered before) and how she wants to go to the fair next year with her friends since "she'll be able to fit into the rides". She's never indicated in the past that any of these things bothered her and she's starting to open up now and talk about it. This is truly a blessing for her. Wanda
on 10/31/05 10:57 am - Az
Topic: RE: Finally Got One
Thanks! It's a goofy picture I am trying to find a before picture and retake a new one. Yeah I have lost almost 300 pounds. Your picture looks good how are you doing? Jill
on 10/31/05 10:41 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Finally Got One
Good to see you, Jill. It's nice to be able to put a face with a name. And wishing you the best with your TT. Sounds like you're doing great! Wanda
on 10/31/05 8:54 am - Az
Topic: Finally Got One
I finally have a picture on my profile after all this time as a member. It's not the gratest. I have lost 40 pounds since this picture taken 2 months ago. I am getting ready to find out about a TT my insurance just needs medical needs by a doctor. So waiting to loose more weight to make sure it's the right time. Lots of rashes going to dermitoligst next week. Getting lots of documated to get approval without hastle. Hope all my fellow February Family Take Care
on 10/27/05 11:03 pm - Harrisburg, PA
Topic: RE: My Life and Times
Hi Lee. Yep, I've been trying my hand at the post-op pregnancy board, a great group of ladies there, too. It's a busy group. I bet you are excited about your appointment on Monday. Please let us know how it goes and what you are able to find out. I hate having to wait through the weekend. I had my 20 week ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. I'd been debating whether I wanted to know the sex of this baby. Well it turns out, there was no hiding it, It's a BOY! We're very excited. No boys born in hubby's family since him (39 years ago). He's very proud. I just pray for his health each day. Riley insists that she's getting a sister out of this whole thing - poor baby. Take care and anxious to hear how Monday turns out. XOXO, Denise
Leeanne S.
on 10/27/05 6:56 am - Huntington, NY
Topic: RE: My Life and Times
I am so excited and happy for you, I see you on the post op pregnancy forum these days.. A wonderful group of ladies there! I have been a lurker there since we started trying in Feb. hopefully soon I will get to join you there. Take care and let us know EVERYTHING as you go along. well everything that you are willing to share.. Love ya xoxox Lee
on 10/24/05 12:21 am - Blackwood, NJ
Topic: RE: My Life and Times
Congrats on your new baby. You know most of those 7 pounds that you've gained is amniotic fluid so that will go as soon as you give birth. As of now I am happy with my weight but my belly gets huge after I eat and like you all I can't eat much and I chew my food to death I will be trying to get a tt maybe in a year or two I also want my muscles done too. I am down to 157 and have been hovering there back and forth from 162 to 157 but never go below that. It is frustrating but I look at it like this, atleast I am not 324 anymore that is when I was my biggest. I don't ever want to go back to that again. I weigh myself everyweek to keep myself under 160 once I hit that it is back to the way I ate in the beginning after wls. And as for your friend I know the feeling, my cousin and friend had gotten wls and I was more afraid for them then I was for myself. I think I would have felt guilty if something would have gone wrong with them but it all worked out well as it will for your friend. Happy Monday Annette And yes the board has been slow but we can keep it going.
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