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on 11/13/05 11:36 am - Grover, NC
Topic: RE: As the hunger returns...
We all think we are alone in our feelings when a board like us shows us how many people are in our shoes.......I to get the hunger pains......and I to am scared to death to gain any weight back..i have gone from 362 to 170 and i cant imagine gaining it problem is i have myself so psyched i think that food is still so impossible..everytime i eat i feel sick and i have to wonder if it is all in my head......I to have found that I can eat foods now that arent healthy for me...and I dont get enough protein but at the same time I keep reminding myself where I came from. I had a problem recently with not being able to sleep so in the middle of the night i found myself eating the wrong foods just because i was bored..i gained 6 pounds..I FREAKED out!!!!!! I have now lost 5 of those pounds in about a weeks time and I refuse to ever let myself do it again..I like many others out here just need to learn how to do it the healthy way because it is way to easy to do without food now..which is not good for us either... You have come a long way, just always remember that! Tina
on 11/13/05 9:02 am - Exeter, RI
Topic: RE: Down side of my Bypass--WOMEN ONLY PLEASE
Are you talking about constipation? Have you taken anything for it? I know that I have been very backed up lately since I went back to eating right. Seems stool softeners and laxatives don't work so well. Joanne
on 11/12/05 10:46 pm - New Bern, NC
Topic: Down side of my Bypass--WOMEN ONLY PLEASE
I have lost a total of 170 lbs. I have been fighting my insurance company for reconstructive surgery. They keep saying it is not a medical necessity. However, in order to have a bowel movement I have to use a suppository and manually coax it out. I must insert my thumb in my vagina and almost massage the back wall where my intestines are and basically massage it out. If I do not do both of these things I am not able to have a bowel movement I will get backed up. Any suggestions? I have appealed BCBS's decision 2 X's getting ready for a third. A co-worker said I should go through the local rehab center. The burn center no longer accepts donations from bypass patients. HELP!!!!!!!
on 11/12/05 9:54 pm - New Bern, NC
Topic: RE: As the hunger returns...
Amy, I thought I was the only one out here. I am going through the exact same thing. I work so much it is hard to be "good" all the time. I do have some "hungry days" where no matter what I eat I feel hungry. Then I have days that I only eat because I know I haven't. I do not wait to drink. I have always had a drink when I eat. I am afraid that is going to be my down fall. If I get that way, hungry I try to snack on a protein bar or some cheese and lunch meat. Good luck! Delainya 321/150
on 11/10/05 4:50 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Girls Only Help
I don't have any experience with taking steroids since surgery, so I can't help you there. But I am interested in what your doctor says about us taking them. I have an area at the bottom of my belly that hangs down a little since I've lost weight, but nothing like what you have. I know how aggravating my little area is... I can't imagine what you're going through. One good thing about it is you have plenty of proof that you need your TT. I tried Amy's suggestion about drying the area with a blow dryer and applying deoderant instead of powder. Works like a charm. Wanda
on 11/10/05 1:05 am - Az
Topic: RE: Girls Only Help
Thanks for asking She was really nice and symphatic, and said that with the warm weather here in Az, and loosing so much weight moisture comes and creates the irritation . She gave me some anti-fungal powder and a RX for Cream but the regular phamacy doesn't have the mixture so have to fill it at a orgainc pharmacy. Also she wanted me to take a RX pill 3 of them and it's $25.00- that's crazy so waiting to hear about something else. Also she said it would come and go till the extra skin is gone TT. When I was heavy I didn't have the rashes, she said it's from the skin. I am a clean freak, and shower everyday so hope this works. How are you doing? Thanks for your support it's very much appricated. Oh do you know if we are allowed to take steroids? I will call my surgeon for sure. Again Thanks!
on 11/10/05 12:04 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Girls Only Help
Jill, Just curious as to how you are doing and what the dermatoligist said. Hope all is well..... Wanda
on 11/8/05 9:06 am - Az
Topic: RE: Girls Only Help
Ok- Will try it, but now it's way to raw and red but, I will use your secret idea Thanks so much for the advise and the praise, it feels good to hear. Again Thank you, Jill
on 11/8/05 9:03 am - Az
Topic: RE: Girls Only Help
Thanks!! It's the total oppisite of what I heard so I have stopped the powder. Tomorrow morning it's dematologist hope he helps.. Again Thanks
on 11/8/05 5:18 am - Harrisburg, PA
Topic: RE: As the hunger returns...
Amy ~ first of all, congratulations on your amazing weight loss. Not a day goes by when I close my eyes I can see myself at over 350 pounds. I am reminded by pictures and some clothes that still hang in my closet. I remember how I felt and how I looked. I remember that right after surgery the weight fell off me. I still eat on a pie plate as well and eat pretty much anything. I am back to sugar. I am more afraid because I don't follow the rules (no lecture, please). I am pregnant now too, which seems like a free pass to eat. I have carefully only gained 8 pounds and am over half way there. I love how I look and how I feel and how my husband looks at me. Other people see me now too. I am the same person, just with a healthier body. I have no philosophical words of wisdom or strength for you....just know you are not alone. You look great, by the way. Cheers, Denise
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