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Topic: Can't eat much anymore
Hi everyone! Haven't logged on in a long while. Everything has been going so well for me. Lost almost all the weight I was supposed to lose and am very happy. My only concern now is that I really have a very little appetite and when I do eat I am only able to eat a very small amount. Don't understand what's going on. I am over the hypoglycemic problems I had for so long but wonder if there is scar tissue forming which is obstructing my pouch although I have had no digestive problems. Anyone else have the same sort of problem?
Topic: RE: Will you survive the holidays?
You were really one busy lady last Christmas. I can't imagine being host to so much. Isn't it great when we can stick to our decision of saying NO and feeling good about it too.
I baked banana bread with Splenda and made mini-loaves instead of the large ones. Gave to friends, froze some too. I can't say I'm not tempted by some of the goodies around ... just not tempted to take more than a bite. I keep reinforcing that sugar will make me very, very ill and that helps.
Topic: RE: Will you survive the holidays?
It has to be hard to deal with this type of tragedy. I'm glad that you are working thru it and that now you can think of your brother, the good times with him and smile. This is the first Christmas without my mom. She was to have moved here in April and passed away the week she was to move. She definitely is here with us in spirit and that makes it so much easier for me. I'm like you, I remember her daily.
We've invited some very dear friends to spend Christmas with us and that will make the day very special. My brother and sister and their families live out of state, so it will be phone calls that day for sure. We don't do gifts for the adults (haven't for years), but do have 2 nephews and a niece that we buy for. I ordered things on-line, had them wrapped and shipped. So shopping was very easy.
Topic: RE: Will you survive the holidays?
Hello Mary. Its good to see your pretty face on the boards again!
I'm about as ready for the holidays as I'm going to get. This year has been easier because I'm not hosting one thing at my house this time. Last year, I hosted the neighborhood progressive dinner (beginning of December), bunco Christmas get-together (mid-December), office party (also mid-December) and the family get together on Christmas Day. I vowed that I was not going to host a thing this year and have stuck to it. It has been NICE!!! My daughter even put the Christmas tree up before I got home from work a few weeks ago. It looks better than it has in years!
As far as food goes, I've been baking cookies (went to a cookie exchange yesterday) and making candy to hand out to co-workers and friends. I haven't really wanted any of it.... so far. The sweets just don't peak my interest anymore, thank goodness! I've also brought shrimp to every get-together I've been to. That way, I know I'm getting protein without many calories. I've also made a few calorie friendly cheese balls (low-fat cream cheese mixed with chopped hot/sweet peppers (w/a little of the juice) and rolled in chopped pecans).
Wishing you and all my Feb04 buddies Happy Holidays!!
Topic: RE: Will you survive the holidays?
Hello Mary,
I am ready for Christmas.All the presents are wrapped.
Made it easier this year by shopping earily and budgeting myself.
This will be the 3rd Christmas since my brothers suicide and althought the pain is less it is still a very difficult holiday for my family. We decided to just remember him and all the good times we shared and to cherish the people we have in our lives. Ther isn't a day go by that I dont remember something about him but now instead of tears I can smile.
You are in my thoughts this Christmas an in my prayers.
Take Care Trisha
Topic: RE: PS Anyone?
Hello Dorothy,
I have about 30 more pounds I'd like to lose before I have PS. Maybe by the summer I will seriously look into it. The weight is still comming off at about 1 to 2 pounds a week but I watch everything I eat and if I do eat a goodie or two I am walking an extra few miles and excercising my butt off. How are you doing? Are you happy with the results of your PS?I have loss 182 pounds so far and need a tummy tuck , so I am curious about the pain afterwards?
Take Care Trish
Topic: RE: Will you survive the holidays?
In respone to my own question...
Yes, I will survive ... by taking it a day at a time, a challenge at a time, and with all of your help and caring.
Topic: Will you survive the holidays?
Are you all ready for the holidays?
Are you prepared with things that will get you thru and help you avoid tempation?
What are you doing to make the holidays this year easier for you?
Thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss.
Topic: RE: Where is everyone?
uh, uh, me too....same issues as Denise....facial acne breakouts, but mostly dry skin. My mother gave me a sample board of arbonne packets all the way from cleanser to nighttime moisturizer. On the first use, I could tell a difference in the way my skin felt. Please send some info to me too, when you get a chance.