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Topic: RE: End of 2005 POLL...
Well let me be the first to get this thing going...
What was the highlight of 2005 for you?
- Spending time with my mother in London.
What was the lowlight of 2005 for you?
-Death of my Father in law
-Finding out we cannot have children
What do you most anticipate about 2006?
-Having a better year than last!
What is your favorite saying/quote/motto?
-Some people suffer from insanity!, I enjoy it
What is the last movie you saw in a movie theater?
-King Kong.. what a flick!
What is the last nice thing you did for someone?
-Took in breakfast for my office.
What is the last nice thing you did for yourself?
-bought myself some new underwear, from Victoria's Secret!!!
Have you ever:
cried tears of joy?
been in a police car?
-Yep, I used to babysit for the local policeman also.
gone to your high school reunion?
-Not yet, but one day I will.
What are you afraid of?
-Outliving my children.

Topic: End of 2005 POLL...
Hello everyone. I wonder how you all are doing and what is keeping you from checking in here. I know life happens and it gets in the way of our little bulletin board. I'm guilty too. So, I've got some questions for you. Ponder and answer as you wish. Got any to add? Feel free.
What was the highlight of 2005 for you? Finding out I was pregnant in June.
What was the lowlight of 2005 for you? The death of a dear cousin and aunt - both immediately following gastric bypass surgery and knee replacement surgery respectively - both deaths due to a pulmonary embolism.
What do you most anticipate about 2006? The birth of my son in February.
What is your favorite saying/quote/motto? If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me - from Steel Magnolias AND "If certain, when this life was out - That yours and mine, should be - I'd toss it yonder, like rind and take ETERNITY" - Emily Dickinson, from "If you were coming in the fall"
What is the last movie you saw in a movie theater? a year ago, Phantom of the Opera
What is the last nice thing you did for someone? Helped my elderly neighbor carry in her groceries.
What is the last nice thing you did for yourself? Helped my elderly neighbor carry in her groceries.
Have you ever -
cried tears of joy? Oh, yes.
been in a police car? I babysat for a policeman and his wife and he'd take me home on his way to work, in the police car.
gone to your high school reunion? we only had our 10 year - it was a fabulous time.
What are you afraid of? Clowns and something really bad happening to someone I love.
Happy New Year, everybody.
Topic: RE: Been a really hard year
Congrats on your weight loss
I too have lost alot of weight 220 pounds. I also need to have a Tummy Tuck but I heard that it hurts really bad worse than the gastric bypass. How was it and how did you heal? I have rash issues and have been to the doctor for treatment, hope my insurance will cover it. Legs are so grose and undrearms UGH..
I am sorry that your marriage is over.. I don't know what happend but if you will be happy that's what counts. I agree I hope the holidays are over soon, due to my mothers death.
Anyway Best Wishes and Healthy New Year,

Topic: RE: Been a really hard year
Please come back more often. There are many supportive people here. There are MANY, MANY positives with the surgeries but the journey can have problems.
Congratulations on your awesome weight loss. WOW.
Topic: RE: Been a really hard year
just stay positive and dont be afraid to post on here when you need someone to talk to you!! happy holidays!

Topic: RE: Been a really hard year
Lisa, just think in a few days you will blink and it will be over. Hang in there! I sending you
from rainy California.
Happy Thursday!

Topic: Been a really hard year
I havent posted in a very long time. I have lost 219 pounds since surgery on Feb 11, 2004. I have been really depressed since the TT on Nov 2004 and relized that my 11 year marriage was a shame. I filed for divorce and it has been a very grief filled time in my life. But I need some peace in my life. I am learning I do not need to settle and enable anyone. How WLS works on those self esteem issues. I know it will get better but boy I wish I could blink this holiday away. I wish you all a good week and I am going to try to visit more often. take care
Topic: RE: Can't eat much anymore
Have you talked to your doctor at all about it? Are you eating far less than you did before in quantity? Are you eating more dense protein now like beef or pork and before did fish. Dense protein allows us to eat far less than soft protein like fish or cheese.
Any pain, vomiting, ????
Hope you find some answers soon.
Topic: RE: PS Anyone?
Hi Dorothy,
I had ps just over a month ago. I wish I could have waited to lose some more weight, but since it was covered by insurance, I had to do it. I did add a TT onto the panni removal and I am amazed at the results so far. I didnt realize how big my thighs were until I could see them!! I lost 15 lbs from that and have hit a plataue again. Oh well. I am down 230 total, so I am still very happy with that. My ps told me to loose as much as possible before I go in to have breast lift and thigh lift. Hope your recovery was as uneventful as mine!!
Happy Holidays!
Sarah G

Topic: RE: Where is everyone?
Hi Denise...
I'm here... ;)
Well all I have to say is bring on the new year!, 2005 have been a year of loss, disapointment, sickness and devistation. Not a year I would like to do again. Bring on 2006!!!!
Maintenence for me is steady, I have never in my life maintained the same weight for any length of time, it really is a nice feeling to buy a size in clothing and be pretty sure I am going to be able to wear it for at least 12 months!. I have been at the same weight now for about 12 months and am enjoying that very much.
2 year anniversary, hmmmm must do somthing special for that.
a boob job would be nice, its funny how they used to be so big, and now ever morning when I wake up my girls say good morning to my knee's I know, sorry TMI...
Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful and warm Holiday season,
Merry Christmas
Happy Hannukah
Happy Kwanza
Or anything else you may be celebrating!
Take care and Stay war everyone!