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Topic: RE: New Years Resolutions
I will continue last year's resolution to be financially better off by the end of the year. I figure if I make this my resolution each year, surely I will eventually be debt free! Slowly, but surely.
I also pledge to drink more water each day and be more aware of what I eat. Like Mary, I've come to a stand still as far as weight loss goes. I refuse to diet!!.... so I'll have to just stick to what I know works; protein, water and exercise.
Happy New Year!
Topic: What's your favorite High protein food?
Do you have a favorite high protein food since surgery?
I like salmon, shrimp, and am now eating beef. My favorite I think if buffalo. Tried it for the first time a few months ago. It is lower in calories and fat than even chicken. It tastes very similar to beef. The local grocery store sells it once a year. wi**** was easier to get on a regular basis.
Ruby Tuesdays has buffalo burgers as does Fudruckers. Very good, but I like the buffalo steaks better.
Topic: RE: What kind of exercise???
Walked the mall from one end to the other.
This afternoon I did get in a long walk with Millie and Hal too.
Topic: What kind of exercise???
We all know how important exercise is for losing more weight if needed and maintaining our weight loss PLUS giving us stronger bones, muscles, heart & lungs.
So what are you doing TODAY for exercise?
I'm going to take Millie for a walk. She loves that and really looks forward to it each day. We are fortunate to have a park in our community so we walk there and then around the park a few times too. Good exercise for us both.
Have a great day.
Topic: RE: New Years Resolutions
I must admit I still wanted to make the need to lose more weight resolution, but then realized how much stress that puts on me at times. So really didn't make any resolutions. I'm working to eating less carbs and to continue my exercise on a regular basis. Trying to take it a day at a time.
I'm 6 lbs below my surgeon's goal for me. He said 180, I'm 174. I'm only 5'1"/5'2" so could easily weigh less. Time will tell. Either way, I am reinforcing how far I have come, what a success I am, and the change in my health. It seems impossible that we are almost 2 years out from surgery. Where has the time gone????
Happy New Year.
305 High wt/174 current/?????
Topic: New Years Resolutions
Well we used to all make the resolution to finally lose weight this year!
And now that for most of us that is no longer the first thing on our minds to do every year I was wondering what Kind of resolutions people have made??
Mine is to try to work through some of the emotional issues this year that I have been trying to avoid doing for the last 20 years. I need to get my mind in shape so it can keep up with my body!
Pre-Op 304, Current 142, Goal 135

Topic: RE: End of 2005 POLL...
What was the highlight of 2005 for you? Moving into our new home in AZ
What was the lowlight of 2005 for you? My mother passing away.
What do you most anticipate about 2006? A cruise to the Mexican Riveria with my sister and her family.
What is your favorite saying/quote/motto? For every end, there is a new beginning ... don't give up hope.
What is the last movie you saw in a movie theater? The last movie I saw in a theatre was GREASE (and it had just been released ... LOL). We saw Olivia Newton John in concert just before Thanksgiving. It was GREAT.
Have you ever -
cried tears of joy? Oh, yes.
been in a police car? No
gone to your high school reunion? Yes, but only the 10th year.
What are you afraid of? dentists, medical testing
Thanks for the thread. I do try to check the board daily, but often can't think of something to post that would get everyone else posting too. We are such a great group, I really wish this board was more active.
Topic: RE: Diet Pills???
I wouldn't take the diet pills ... just not a safe way to lose weight in my opinion. Since we cannot take time released formula of meds, I doubt that we could take diet pills because of that.
I understand your frustration, but we don't want to get back into the diet mode we had before surgery. A lot of people jump start their weight loss by doing high protein for a week, then high protein/low carb after that.
Congratulations on your accomplishments ... over 200 lbs loss is AWESOME.
Happy New Year to you also.
Topic: Diet Pills???
I am almost 2 years out in February and have lost over 200pounds. I still need to losse about 80. I am on a platu for a few months, I thougt of going back on protien drinks only for a while to get the weight loss going again. Does anyone know if taking diet pills for a while is ok after Gastric Bypass? I know I have to ask my surgeon and I will but wondered if anyone else knew about it.
I wish everyone a Safe and Healthy New Year

Topic: RE: End of 2005 POLL...
Hello Denise. I've been checking in almost every day... It has been quiet here lately and I've been trying to think of something to post, but can't seem to come up with anything that I think anybody would be interested in. Same ol boring life around here.........
Thanks for the poll... you always come up with some good ones!
What was the highlight of 2005 for you? Believe it or not, my baby's graduation from high school. I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and have a few extra gray hairs from that one!)
What was the lowlight of 2005 for you? I can't say that I've had any lows on a personal level (thank God). All the natural disasters this year have brought me down and watching what all that those have been affected by them are going through is such a low for me.
What do you most anticipate about 2006? Just to watch my two daughters grow into mature adult women.
What is your favorite saying/quote/motto? "If you can't be a good example.....then you'll just have to be a horrible warning!"
What is the last movie you saw in a movie theater? Monday went to see "Rumer Has It" with my girls. I could just sit and look at Kevin Costner all day!!!
What is the last nice thing you did for someone? Decorated my mother-in-laws home for the holidays. She's now 81 and can't anymore.
What is the last nice thing you did for yourself? Did not have one event at my house over the holidays.
Have you ever -
cried tears of joy? Yes.
been in a police car? No.
gone to your high school reunion? Not since the 10 year reunion.
What are you afraid of? Spiders.