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on 1/4/06 10:19 pm - West, TN
Topic: RE: The Train of Life
Mary, I'm up in front with you! I just love this..... thanks for sharing. It is so appropriate for us. Wanda
on 1/4/06 10:10 pm - West, TN
Topic: Exercise for Wednesday
I did floor exercises and resistance training for about 25 minutes last night. Couldn't miss the Rose Bowl........... go Longhorns!!!! Plan on wrapping up well and walking this evening. Brrrrrr.......... How did you do yesterday?
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 8:52 pm - CA
Topic: The Train of Life
Some folks ride the train of life Looking out the rear, Watching miles of life roll by, And marking every year. They sit in sad remembrance, Of wasted days gone by, And curse their life for what it was, And hang their head and cry. But I don't concern myself with that, I took a different vent, I look forward to what life holds, And not what has been spent. So strap me to the engine, As securely as I can be, I want to be out in the front, To see what I can see. I want to feel the winds of change, Blowing in my face, I want to see what life unfolds, As I move from place to place. I want to see what's coming up, Not looking at the past, Life's too short for yesterdays, It moves along too fast. So if the ride gets bumpy, While you are looking back, Go up front, and you may find, Your life has jumped the track. It's all right to remember, That's part of history, But up front's where it's happening, There's so much mystery. The enjoyment of living, Is not where we have been, It's looking ever forward, To another year and ten. It's searching all the byways, Never should you refrain, For if you want to live your life, You've gotta drive the train. All Aboard Everybody... Author unknown
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 7:06 pm - CA
Topic: Dream .......
What dream (s) since surgery has become a reality? What dream(s) do you see in your future that will become a reality? One of my dreams was to be able to travel. Now with my weight loss I have been able to fly on a plane with no worry or embarrassment of whether or not the seatbelt would fit. Another dream was to be able to walk and walk and walk. What a wonderful reality that has been for me. My arthritis is sooooo much better, now Hal teases that he can't keep up with me. A dream of my husband and myself is to take a cruise to Alaska in our future. We met on a cruise to Alaska 19 years ago (in fact, celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary this month). Now I know that I can fly to Seattle or Vancouver and then go cruising. How about you? Mary
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 7:05 am - CA
Topic: RE: What is the highlight of your journey?
Wanda, Haven't we gone thru so many changes the last 2 years. I love being able to bend over to pick something up off the floor, being able to fit in a booth at a restaurant instead of panicking that I won't fit and be embarrassed. I used the CPAP for 3 years before surgery. When I was tested, they told me that I had "severe" sleep apnea, probably had it for years, and they couldn't believe that I truly could function. Sure explained why I always felt so lousy but my blood work would be fine. It took about 6 months for me to get off the CPAP after surgery. I was retested and didn't even have 1 episode during the night ... definitely came a LONG WAY. Mary
on 1/4/06 4:56 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: What is the highlight of your journey?
I would have to say that the highlight of my journey is that I am comfortable with myself. From sleeping at night, to fitting in the car comforably with my seatbelt, to getting dressed each day. The list could go on.... I never made it to a CPAP, but did wake myself up each night before surgery snoring.
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 4:08 am - CA
Topic: RE: What are you doing today just for you?
Wanda, That is great. I love watching a good movie or show. At one time we had a TV in our bedroom, but never used it so moved it out. When I watch TV I want a good comfy chair and ottoman ... hmmmmm. Mary
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 4:07 am - CA
Topic: RE: What are you doing today just for you?
I agree .... I bet we can turn the board around and get it more active.
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 12:40 am - CA
Topic: What is the highlight of your journey?
Since surgery, what has made it the most positive experience? For me, it was no longer having sleep apnea or high blood pressure. Such a blessing to not need the CPAP machine any longer and no longer need meds to control my BP. Mary
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 12:39 am - CA
Topic: RE: Okay Mary, I'll meet your challenge....
I walked yesterday. My favorite form of exercise. I don't do the mileage, but walk for 30+ minutes. What a great accomplishment for you. You're doing GREAT.
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