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Topic: Do you count calories?
I've been reading one of the other boards (grads) here lately and notice that alot of people over there count their calories. I don't count mine and wonder if any February04 people do, and if you do or don't, why.
I don't because I just don't want to mess with it. I probably should since I've put about 6 pounds back on in the last two months. I've attributed that to the holidays and am getting back to my regular routine. I've lost about 3 of those pounds gained since I've gotten back to normal.
Topic: Exercise for Thursday
I got my 3 miles in yesterday evening. Took me about an hour. I'm going to have a hard time timing myself because I take Lily the first mile and just last night, ran into 2 neighbors and had a quick chat. There's no way I'm going to be able to accurately time myself. I guess as long as I can keep up with the miles and walk as fast as I can, I'm doing okay. I read in our local paper that I need to get in at least 11 miles in a week to drop weight. That will be my goal.
Next week I'll be surprised if I get any exercising in. I'm sure going to try. I belong to two bunco groups and both meet next week. So, Monday I have to go to one of the bunco parties and then have it my house on Thursday for the other group. I've also been voted in as the new president of our Women's Guild at church and am having a board meeting Wednesday evening at my house. Somewhere in all this, I've got to clean my house! Does that count as exercise?
Anyway, I'll keep any exercise I get in posted....
How did you do yesterday?

Topic: RE: This year I am ......
Many gyms do offer childcare ... I agree, ask and tell others to ask too. I bet it would help to increase their memberships.
We have a number of runners in our neighborhood. The moms run, the kids ride their bikes. So going to the track is a great idea for you and the kids too.
I really enjoy riding a stationary bike, have one in our family room so can watch tv while riding or listen to music while riding.
With regards to babysitting ... do you have someone who you would trust with your kids that you could barter with for time. For example: If she would watch your kids while you go to the gym on Mondays and Wednesday, then you would watch her kids while she did the gym on Tuesdays and Thursday. On Saturdays, the dads get the kids while you go to the gym together!!!!
I know you will find a way to make this work.
Another fun exercise is to dance. I started out doing it during commercials as a pre-op. My niece came to visit and she loved it. I assured her no one would make fun of her and that to enjoy the dancing. So every time a commercial came on, we got up and danced thru the commercial. Then it became easier and easier to do it longer periods of time.
My niece just got a dance party mat and video for the TV (I think that's how it works). It is suppose to be great exercise and kids and adults seem to love it.
Topic: RE: This year I am ......
I am going to call them and ask. Child care at the gym never even crossed my mind. I would love it. I will let you know what they tell me.
Topic: RE: This year I am ......
What a great idea you have by doing squats at the dryer for each piece of clothing! I'm going to start doing that. Every little bit helps!
I've been wanting to start a running routine also. I've never been much of a runner, but am wanting to try.
You say you have a membership to the gym but no babysitter. You might be able to ask the manager at the gym if they plan on offering child care for members. I bet if enough people ask about it, they might just start offering it. Do you know of any other mothers or fathers that belong to the gym that you could coax to ask about it? Just a thought... you know the old saying, the squeeky wheel always gets fixed.
Happy running to you!
Topic: RE: Exercise for Wednesday
If we just had your weather here! Today's high is 52, which isn't so bad but nothing as nice as 76. I usually don't get to wal****il the sun goes down and bundle up in a coat, knit hat and gloves. By the time I'm halfway through with my walk, I'm wanting to take the coat off. I think I'll try wearing a sweat shirt with a long sleeve t-shirt under it and a lighter jacket this evening. That way, if I do get hot, I can return the jacket when I drop Lily back off at the house (she only does 1 mile with me..... well, my 1 mile is 2 for her because she zig-zags with her nose to the ground the whole time).
Isn't it funny how our dogs love to walk. I can go into my closet and just pull out my walking shoes and Lily starts whining and getting excited. She doesn't do that with any other pair of tennis shoes, just those that I walk in. She really goes crazy when I pull the leash out....
Topic: This year I am ......
I wouldn't say it is a resolution but a tweak in my routine. Since my surgery I haven't had time to work out but at work I would walk around the building three times during both my breaks and I would make household chores into little workouts for example while taking clothes out of the dryer I would squat and take one item out at time and those were my little workouts but I seem need more and this year I told my husband that we need to go to the track and start running I am going to take my kids with me since that is my problem that I can't go to the gym which I do have a membership for but no babysitter. Any other suggestions??? I would greatly appreciate them. I am going to start next monday and go atleast half an hour run until I get tired then walk then run again. I can't and wont go backwards and gain all that weight back. I maintain a weight of 157-164 and I don't want to go above that.
Topic: RE: Been a really hard year
Tummy tuck was aweful but well worth it. Alot harder than the bypass but I think that it is because I was home 24hours later with the TT so I didnt have that special morphine drip. I had to pay out of pocket but again worth it. Thanks for responding to my email and I hope you survived the holidays as I did. 2006 will be better
take care
Topic: RE: Exercise for Wednesday
It's 49 right now (9:30 am) .. high of 76 and low of 42 today. Always try to take Miss Millie for a walk. She loves going out just have to convince her it is NOT a good thing to chew on her leash until we are out the door. LOL
Not a football fan, hope your team won. Haven't seen the paper yet this morning.
Yesterday we walked too. It is wonderful that the temps are nice during the day here right now. We can go walking without being bundled up except at night when we definitely need the winter coat.
Topic: RE: Dream .......
Happy Anniversary to you and Hal, Mary!
One of my dreams was to be able to go snorkling... maybe in Hawaii or the Bahamas. I ended up in Hawaii in October and snorkled just about every day outside of our condo. We stayed at a condo that was located on a place called Turtle Cove. There was a family of about 5 sea turtles that lived in the cove and came out every morning and swam down the beach line of the cove. One time while snorkling, I came upon one of the baby turtles that was eating a fish.... I could have never done that before the surgery.
One more dream was to be able to go out in public and not feel uncomfortable and out of place. I now just blend in....
The one thing that I'm still working on that I would love to be able to do is run for exercise. I've got to get my walking routine built back up again and try to incorporate some running into it. I plan on getting some good running shoes before I start that venture and reading up on how to go about running correctly.