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Topic: Friday - Check in Day
Happy Friday everyone,
How did the week go for you? Were you able to stay on track with your commitment? Congratulate yourself on a job well done because whether you succeeded 100% or 1% the important thing is that you tried!!!
This week will be better. Time to set some more goals/commitments for the week. Don't overload yourself with "have to", make them realistic and doable taking it a day at a time.
I'm proud of each of you ... you're the best!!!!
Only post weight if you want to.
Topic: RE: Missing Everyone
Congratulations on all the good things in your life. How wonderful for you.
Why not join our Staying On Track challenge/comittment. Many are having problems with weight gain and/or staying on track.
Remember to NOT judge your progreass against the progress of others. That is a major downfall for so many people. It sets us up for the feeling of failure if we are doing exactly what others have done. Each of us is individual in how quickly we lose the weight, so be patient with yourself. You will get it off.
Are you doing high protein/low carb? Carbs can cause us to retain LOTS of fluids in our system. Are you writing down or tracking your food in something like Are you exercising? Are you drinking lots of fluids too? (no need to respond, just things to think about that may help turn the weight loss along).
Hope to see you posting more often.
Topic: Missing Everyone
It has been so long since I have been here . . .so much has happened. I met someone, moved in together, moved out of state together, and finally had a baby together!! I know, sounds great . . . so whats the problem?? I'm so off track with my weight. I gained a total of 40lbs with my son (& he only weighed 6lbs 6oz of it). Since giving birth December 2, 2005 I have only lost 10lbs!!! I don't know what to do, I've dieted (not breastfeeding), exercised & the scale (or my clothes) still won't budge - sometimes the scale even moves upward. When I try to do some research on it - I read that most people only gain minimal weight with pregnancy post-op & then lose all the weight within 6 weeks post-partum. I'm terrified! I know that I should be happy that I still weigh less then I did pre-op . . . but I just feel awful . . . I didn't come this far to go backwards. I guess I just needed somewhere to go to get it all of my chest . . . to be with others in the same boat as me. Has anyone else gained back some of their weight and are having a heck of a time getting it back off??? Thanks for listening . . . . -Amanda
Topic: RE: Denise and Baby?!?!?!
Denise .... we hope you and the baby are doing GREAT. Can't wait to hear all the details.
Topic: Denise and Baby?!?!?!
Are you out there?!?!
Have you had your little boy yet?
WHat did he weigh?
How long was he?
How did everything go delivery wise?
How is your little girl handling being a big sister?
and how are you doing?
Can't wait to hear some news...
If anyone out there has some, please let us know ;)

Topic: Wednesday -- We're almost there
2 more days and we've made it to our 1 week mark of commitments. How is everyone doing? Were your comitment goals realistic or are they making you feel like you can't keep them?
Goals are important, but it is even more important to be sure they are realistic and manageable. Altho we at times see ourselves as "super human" we can only do so much. So if the goals were set too high, re-evaluate and adjust them.
Each time you do the right thing .... exercising, eating the right things, taking your vitamins etc., ... you are a success!!!!
I'm going to Curves in just a bit. I went yesterday and got some shorts and cool/airy tees to work out in. Altho probably not going to make a fashion statment, I will be comfortable. I have exercised every day so far by either walking or going to Curves.
Hope everyone is having a great day. Let us know how you are doing if you have a minute to post.
Topic: RE: Monday - How's it going?
Glad that I can help. Also being here helps me too. I'm taking things a step at a time.
WOW, a personal trainer, how awesome is that opportunity. Why not see if she can get you a couple passes to try the gym out for a while. Also some gyms (not all) will give 1 week or even 30 day passes if someone is interested. Why not ask and see if they have anything like that available.
Topic: RE: Monday - How's it going?
good for you mary!! I just found out my friend who I ride with is a personal trainer at a gym close to my house! She said she would help me get into shape if I helped her with her riding. Now all I have to do is find the extra money to join!! I am so glad you are here! You always make me relook at things positively!!

Topic: RE: Monday - How's it going?
You will overcome this a step at a time, just like the rest of us. I do emtionally eat at times ... no doubt in my mind. But as you said, nothing compared to before surgery.
I do lots of SF snow cones, satisfy the crunch I need and the sweetness I crave. Has helped me tremendously the last 3 years pre and post surgery. I also keep protein bars on hand, they sure help too.
I'm not perfect, but I do try to focus on the positives that I have achieved. I find that if I focus on losing more weight too much, it puts me back into the diet mentally of deprivation instead of realizing it just means portion control.
I think you did GREAT today with your water and walking. AWESOME. Millie and i went for a walk to the park. Had planned to go to Curves today too, but just a bit sore so decided the 3 times a week as recommended will be perfect for the first couple of weeks. I am looking forward to going tomorrow. Bought some new shorts and tees today so that I have something to wear that is comfortable and will move with me.
Topic: RE: Monday - How's it going?
probably mary and I think I did ok yesterday otherwise but I get into that mentality that once I screw up, its all over and I beat myself up and get angry and depressed...its so bad!! I totally emotionally overeat all the time! its better now than it used to be but I still catch myself sometimes...I just gotta stop!! Today has been better and Im workin on the water and went riding and walked with my mom for a half hour! Just gotta keep that sweet tooth under control!