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Topic: RE: Friday - Check in Day
Glad to see you posting too. Congratulations on staying away from the Diet Coke. I only take a few swallows now and then, it sure doesn't taste like I remember so usually just have some of Hal's when My throat is scratchy from allergies.
You don't like the Nutri-System food? We did it a few years ago and both Hal and I felt it was really good. They may have changed it tho cause now it is low glycemic and that could definitely change the ingredients. I really like that they are doing low glycemic. It allows you to eat good carbs. I agree, if it helps to get you back on track it is worth it.
Remember, we are here for you. So post any time you need encouragement or just want to vent.
Topic: RE: Friday - Check in Day
Hi Mary:
This could either be this comming friday's check in or last weeks. Either way I thought I would participate. I am visiting the boards more often lately, but was off for a long time. I never hit my goal weight and and I am up 20pds from my lowest weight. I am taking drastic measures. I had gotten back on the diet coke but this Saturday will mark 3 weeks without carbination. It's been harder than I thought. I still crave diet coke. I am actually doing nutra system with the approval of my physician. It's horrible but I think it will kick me back into gear. I have slipped into so many of my old habits. I never thought I'd have to go on a diet program again. Oh well, if it works so be it. Good to see you on the board.
Still struggling,
Topic: RE: Denise and Baby?!?!?!
Congratulations!!! How are you doing and hope the baby is good.
How did you do with your weight? Glad your so happy and I
wish and the baby a Happy Healthy Life

Topic: RE: Friday - Check in Day
I'm glad you posted too. No set rule on when you need to post, just sometime during the week is great.
Sounds like you did well. The water weight will drop right off and I bet you will definitely see a loss this week. I agree, going slowly is good.
Topic: RE: Denise and Baby?!?!?!
Trisha - congratulations!
Your first?
I know, too many questions and it's so early. How are you feeling?
Topic: RE: Friday - Check in Day
Hey! It is Tuesday better late than never. I did good last week but I did gain 1 pound water weight, ladies you know what I am talking about. I am glad it was just a pound cause it usually is exactly 4 so I am up to 161. My goal last week was to keep up with my vitamins and water and I feel I did good. Same goal this week, I want to do things slowly.

Topic: RE: Why is it so hard??
I can SO relate to everything you said! I was steady at 193 for months maybe even a year and very happy there. Then I bounched up and down 3 to 5lbs. Now I weigh 208. Wholly crap it's freaking me out. I feel like a bottomless pit especially during "that time of month". This has been going on for the last 3 months. I don't exercise and really need too especially since I will be walking the Avon Breast Cancer Walk in SF in July. I know I need to train, but I don't feel like it! I just feel like sleeping and eating. I need that "click" in my head again, but I don't know where to find it.
Wish I could help you....
Topic: RE: Denise and Baby?!?!?!
Congrads Denise, I am happy that things went well and you and your family have a beautiful new member.
Take care, Trisha
P.S I found out I am 10 weeks on my 2 yrs check up.
Topic: RE: Friday - Check in Day
Trying on clothes sometimes can be a real downer. I swear not one manufacturer uses the same measurements for a specific size even within their own line of clothes!!!! It is so crazy at time.
Did the bride pick out nice dresses or are they the kind you would never wear again? What color?
We're glad you are here for us too. We can do this.
Topic: RE: Friday - Check in Day
thanks mary...I just gotta relax, go back to square one and convince myself thats its gonna be ok. The mental game is the hardest part for me. I went to try on brides maids dresses today and it was so awful! Motivation? maybe, more a downer than anything but its ok. Im just you guys are here!!