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Topic: RE: After 14 years............
I forgot to mention too. I have two very dear friends, both 35, that had their first babies in the last year. One baby is 11 months old and the other is 4 months old. Both babies and moms had a good pregnancy with no complications and their babies are healthy and happy too.
Don't let others take away from your excitement and happiness.
Topic: RE: After 14 years............
Congratulations Dana!!!
Do not let anyone take this joy away from you!! Shame on them for making you feel bad about this miracle!
My husband and I tried for years to have a second child and finally ended up adopting. Our girls are 10 years apart, but I love them more than I thought that I could ever love anything. The best advice that I can give to you is to enjoy this pregnancy. If I had known that I would have only one chance, I would have reveled in it a little more. I had a great pregnancy and I pray that you will have smooth sailing. Stock up on those vitamins and make sure you get the folic acid that you and the baby need!!
God bless, and I will keep you in my prayers!
Topic: RE: After 14 years............
Well thank you very much. I feel it is a miracle. I think I will do a great job also.
edd 1 Nov 2006
Topic: RE: After 14 years............
How exciting for you. I'm so happy for you.
You're definitely not too old to be a mom. You are going to do GREAT.
Topic: After 14 years............
I am PREGNANT!!!!!! I just found out that after 14 years of trying to have a baby I am 2 months pregnant. Most peoples first question is what about your surgery. Others say but you are to old. I am only 35 I did stop trying to get pregnant and now look. Any advice will be very accepted.
Thank you all in advance
Topic: RE: Can I come in?
Well, right now I'm fighting a case of "strep ear" ... apparently it was strep throat, that climbed my eustachian tubes up into my ear... and it hurts
I'm already on protonix, so at least I can take something for the pain... (right now, on dr advice, "stacking" tylenol and ibuprofen, which I wouldn't even dare try if I wasn't on protonix)... I'm on one antibiotic and have an appt in 2 hours to see what they want to do next, since it's still swelled and I'm not sure it's going away.
But beyond that, LOL...
I started at about 349 (I actually think it was more than that, but that's the "official" number), and right now am hovering at about 100 lbs down, right around 249.. Like you, I've been lower... and fighting bad habits and, in my case, a lack of desire to exercise...
I'm down to L/XL shirts from 2X-3X or more depending on the cut of the shirt... dropped down to about a 17 1/2 neck from a 20 or 22 on dress shirts.. and my normal jeans are right now 44s (comfortable) or 42 (a little tight depending on the cut) from the 52/54s I was wearing... because of how I'm built, the shirts that fit my neck still swim on me, and I end up having to get "talls" when available because all of what little height I have (5'7.5") is all in my torso; I've got about a 26-27" inseam at best (with shoes), so very short legs..
Overall, the surgery has been one of the best things I've ever done - my diabetes is in control, which it wasn't before, and although I can still see my sugars spike after I eat, they drop down to "normal" levels by the 2 hour mark that they want you to have "normal blood sugar" numbers in, after eating... My fasting numbers are good too; I'm overdue to get an A1C, they were supposed to do one last bloodwork, but fluffed it apparently and ran some other test instead.
My blood pressure isn't so hot, but it hasn't been even when I was at my skinniest as an adult, at age 19-20, at 155-165... that's when I was diagnosed, and it runs in the family, so I didn't figure that the WLS would solve that problem.
I moved before my surgery, but didn't change physicans, so although I am only 2 hours away, I usually can't make the f/t/f support groups. I do run an online "chat" on Mondays for the WLS support group in the Utica, NY area, mostly patients for my surgeon, although others drop in from time to time, and I stay in touch on here and there as well, because IM(NS)HO, without the support, it's very very easy to fall off the bus, and end up on the side of the road... plus there are a lot of people, my primary care provider included, who just don't "get it" or don't understand the battles we all face daily; it's a tool, but it's not a magic wand - the body can be operated on, but the head's a much much more complex instrument..
anyways, enough soap box lol; I need to run to get this ear looked at again (feels like a corkscrew's in there and someone's slowly twisting it, and has felt like that for about 2 days now..
) so gotta run -
hope to talk to you more soon -

Topic: RE: Calcium Supplement Question
Thank you so much Mary! My husband and I are very excited! It's been a very long road to get to this point and I just don't want to do anything to jeapordize my pregnancy! Being pregnant after WLS is kind of scary in the sense of hoping to not gain too much weight. I never did reach goal weight, so that makes it even more imperitive to watch my weight!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go crazy with it try not to gain any weight... My OB said I should gain anywhere from 15 to 25 pounds to have a healthy pregnancy. I'll keep you all posted! Thank you again for your well wishes!
Topic: RE: Calcium Supplement Question
Thank you Nick, I am deffinately going to look into the Citracal! I just have to make sure that I will absorb enough for me and for the baby!! I really appreciate the advice!
Topic: RE: Calcium Supplement Question
Thank you Amanda... I'm not sure I can handle liquid calcium right now, but I will definately keep it in mind for after the baby is born!
Topic: RE: Calcium Supplement Question
Congratulations ... how exciting for you.
Hope you find some calcium that works for you.