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Topic: RE: New Pic Test
Your photo is new also, Ive been meaning to tell you that you look great also..
Topic: New Pic Test
Just testing to see if my new pic shows up...
It is so cool that you can do it yourself now ;)
Topic: RE: Friday, Friday ... come on out and play
Hi Nick,
thanks for posting. We've missed you.
Support groups whether local or on line are very important in our journeys. They let us know that others are still going thru what we are --- that we are not alone.
A friend is 5 years out. He never got all of the weight off but did well. He saw his surgeon a couple of weeks ago and the surgeon said that the stomach was the size of an orange AND was still active with regards to WLS --- meaning if he got back on the protein first and exercised he could again start losing weight and keep it off. It was good to hear that we can still be losing weight with this great tool even 5+ years out. The power is definitely within us.
Eating right and exercising can be hard now when in the beginning it was so much easier and we weren't hungry either. Changes along the way, but our tool will still function and helps us if we just let it.
I eat too if I am overly tired especially on the nights I get a case of insomnia. I'm trying to do fruit instead of bread and keep some always cut up and ready to go in the fridge.
Hope you have a good weekend too.
Topic: Eyesight Changes Since Surgery
For years I have had my eyesight change needing stronger RX in my glasses. 27 months ago I had surgery. 22 months ago I changed my RX once more to a stronger lens. The pressures in my eys had been in the mid 20s (cause for concern and required additional testing ... high pressures had been there for a number of years).
Imagine my surprise when I went to the eye doctor this week and the pressure had drastically gone down from 2 years ago. Now one eye is at 10 and the other at 15. WOW ... I couldn't believe it. There is theory that high blood pressure and obesity can contribute to our eye pressure being higher. For me I believe that is right on target. I no longer have high blood pressure and with my weight loss I think it has all helped. High pressure in the eyes can be the symtoms of glaucoma, and since my grandmother had glaucoma we were on constan****ch as it can be a hereditary disease.
Then the doctor told me that my eyesight had improved 3 levels ... what a great surprise that was for me. I still have to wear glasses, but that is definitely OK.
Any one else have changes in their vision since surgery?
Topic: RE: Friday, Friday ... come on out and play
Hey Mary -
I figured seeing as the posting is dropping off, I'd actually post something for a change instead of just lurking - there are still a lot of us reading, but a lot of times, things stabilize and we know a lot of the answers, even if we don't always follow them.
Thanks for keeping posting even though a lot of us haven't been as good at it - based on our local group experience and online, at this point out, a lot of people fall off the support boards, and it's good to have someone still posting to kick us in the *** to keep talking, sharing
I haven't gotten back into an exercise pattern yet, even though I know it's something I should do.
I am pretty stable at the 240 range in regards to weight; not where I exactly wanted to be, but it beats the heck out of gaining
I've been going plus and minus the same 10 lbs (20 lbs range, from 230-250, on my scales) for a while now.
My A1C overall glucose range is good, but I still notice I spike up above 200 sometimes and crash down to the 60s, esp around eating and esp when I'm either overtired, get my work schedule shifted for network upgrades (I work in computer networking, and the only 'downtime' we get is overnight every 3rd weekend of a month), or, alternatively, throw the rules out the window and 'get into something I shouldn't' and then end up dumping...
If I can manage to actually get exercising again and be 'good', I can probably drop some more weight and maybe a few more sizes, it's definitely not too late, and I can even identify what I *should* do to get to the point where I need to be... Now if I can actually do it
Anyways, gotta run do some family stuff, so I'm going to close - hope all have good long weekend, (and that it's actually a long weekend for y'all

Topic: Friday, Friday ... come on out and play
It's Friday !!!!!!!! and the start of a long 3 day weekend. Take time for yourself this weekend, have fun, relax and do something fun.
Each day do something just for you. Too often we forget to make ourself the priority, looking out for others first. So what will you do today just for you?
Hope everyone had a great week. If you stayed on track... awesome. If you took a slight detour ... hey, that's OK, we sure do understand how that can happen.
My week went well. Didn't go to Curves, but walked each day and exercised here at home. It was yearly maintenace time for the A/C, reverse osmosis system, pool etc so caused me to stay home a bit more than usual. My weight is maintaining, but I am feeling great. Got new glasses the other day and after years of declining eyesight, my eyes actually improved 3 levels and the pressure is my eyes is now GREAT instead of being in the concerned level. I really feel it is a direct result of all the weight loss.
Have a wonderful weekend. Hope to see many of you posting sometime this week to let us know how you are doing.
Topic: JoAnna Lund Passed Away Sunday
Not sure if any of you knew JoAnna Lund, but wanted to let you know if you did that she passed away on Saturday after a long battle with breast cancer. She wrote over 2 dozen cookbooks on healthy eating, appeared often on QVC, and even had her own cooking show on PBS. She and I had corresponded for a number of years, and I will miss her greatly.
Topic: RE: Oh my go****'s Friday !!!!
Awesome job on the vitamins!!!!!! Great accomplishment. Good idea about freezing the water. I have 1/2 bottles of water that I freeze, then when we go out I fill the rest with water and put in insulated carrier. That way is this heat we always have fresh and cold water with us. A major help.
Topic: RE: Oh my go****'s Friday !!!!
Hey, I am glad the week went fast for you cause it felt like it took forever to me. I am doing water wonderfully, before each interview at work I stick the bottle in the freezer and when I am done it is just right, nice and icy. I bought a new bottle of vitamins on Saturday every new bottle means an accomplishment for me that I finished the old bottle. I have been trying to walk everyday and have been sucessful. My goals this week, more water, protein, vitamins and walking. Hope everyone meets their goals for the week.