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D. K.
on 4/28/05 3:12 am - AL
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgery
You know I'm having my TT and hysterectomy in 6 weeks. Yikes! I'm totally obsessed with it. I can only imagine that the rest of my body will look like crap. Kind of like painting a room, and everything else looks dingy. I would love to have my thighs done, but I think I want my underarms done most. I don't have terrible bat wings, but my underarms are terrible. I have a blob of skin. I think I can live with the boobs, although they have dropped a lot. I can put them into a bra, and no one needs to see them, unless I invite them to. LOL The thighs and underarms are harder to hide. I guess that I would have over $20,000.00 in plastic surgery if I were to have all three procedures. My full TT with muscle tightening is $6660.00. They have knocked it down to $6235.00, because I'm having it done at the hospital and not their surgical center. Debbie
D. K.
on 4/28/05 3:06 am - AL
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Thursday
I can eat a children's sonic burger, and it only has meat and bun, but I take off the top bun. I'm hurting when I finish. My surgeon asked me why I eat it, if it hurts? I had to laugh, and wonder that myself. I guess the old me is still there. I want to get my money's worth. I have to work on this head still. I can tolerate most any kind of sugar, other than syrupy drinks. I don't have any problem with chocolate. I've been craving chocolate for the past several months. I'm on permanent pms here. I keep those bite size 3 musketeers bars in a candy jar on the counter. I usually have 3 or 4 of those a day. Wonder if that is the cause of my weight gain? LOL I was tempted to refill the jar last night, but I didn't buy anymore. I've got to get a grip on this weight and my cravings. Hard, Hard, Hard to do. YOu have done a great job! Deb
D. K.
on 4/28/05 3:01 am - AL
Topic: RE: Does anyone feel guilty?
My guilt is not with my daughter, as she is only 7. My guilt is with my sister. She is so dear to me. She could probably stand to loose another 25lbs or so. She is height challenged as I am. She has multiple health issues and surgery would not be something for her, and she isn't that much overweight. She has lupus, hoshimotos syndrome(thyroid disease), and hepatitis B, from emergency blood in the 80's. She has been following a caloric diet and walking some, when she feels well enough. We are near the same weight, although I am 2 inches taller and we are built differently. I love her so much, and I pray she isn't envious or jealous of me. I also feel guilty when I see other beautiful obese women. I know their misery. I didn't have as much weight to loose as some women, but I was considered medically neccessary to have surgery. I sure wish I could have done it without surgery, but I didn't. I am so happy that I don't have the health issues prior to surgery, but I still have nagging worries that I might have traded those for others, that won't be seen until later on. (insert worry wart here) I try to keep my sister positive about her weight loss and her appearance. We all need to have praise from time to time. Hugs, Debbie
D. K.
on 4/28/05 2:51 am - AL
Topic: RE: Slim Fast low carb drinks?
Well, I'm glad to know I'm in good company. I like the fact they are already mixed and don't have that powdery,lumpy feeling. I do think they might aggrivate the lactose thing. I just went potty, and feel like I have to again. They might not be the best thing, if I'm not near a bathroom, or in a group of people. Sigh... The Lupron is to shrink my fibroid, and stop my cycles, hence chemical menopause. I have had hot flashes and some night sweats, insomnia. I don't look forward to the real thing. My anemia is under control, after the two iron infusions. I feel great, but hate the weight gain. I know it will be a life long struggle, but maybe we can keep it in check, and not let the 4 to 5lbs get to be 30 and 40lbs. Debbie
on 4/28/05 2:22 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Does anyone feel guilty?
Julia, I think its the age and no matter what we do or say, they're going to feel the way they do. I have a 20 year old daughter who is 5'2" and weighs 130 - 135 lbs. She thinks she's huge, and like your daughter, she thinks her legs are too thick and is very self conscious about them. She was this way before I had surgery. She is very conscientious about what she eats and exercises all the time. I do think I would feel bad if I was smaller than her and worry that it would bother her, but then again, I think it would just have to be something she would have to accept. On the other hand, I have an 18 year old who is 5'5" and weighs around 270. She's had a harder time accepting my weight loss. It is so hard to see the hurt in her eyes. We are now looking into her having this surgery. She's been to Weigh****chers and a place called Positive Changes (hypnosis). Nothing has worked for her. Since we've started this process, she has started exercising with me and asking about the protein. I think its an instinct us mothers have about our children. We don't want them to hurt in the least bit and if there is anything we can do to help, we will do it. But we also have to remember ourselves. That's so hard to do sometimes. Wanda
on 4/28/05 1:51 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Slim Fast low carb drinks?
It looks to me like the Slim Fast low carb drink is a pretty good choice. I've never tried it, but the next time I'm at Walmart, I'm going to buy it and give it a try. I wish I could help you with your Lupron question, but I don't know anything about it. I do know our harmones play a part in our weight fluctuation and the smaller we get, the more we see it. When its my time of the month, I have to take a prescribed diuretic because I retain so much fluid. I don't remember retaining fluid before the surgery, but I'm sure I did. I just probably couldn't tell. Please, keep us posted. I'm curious about the Lupron. Wanda
on 4/28/05 1:38 am - Columbia City, IN
Topic: Does anyone feel guilty?
I'm pleased, very pleased, with how I look after sugery, but I'm having a hard time not feeling guilty because I'm now thinner than my 20 year old daughter. She's built much like I used to be (only even heavier) in the derriere and legs, very busty and she's only 5' tall. She's very firm and really quite cute, but she's so self-conscious about her legs that she won't wear shorts, etc. I want to feel good about myself, but I feel like I'm making her insecurities worse and I would never want to do anything to hurt her. All she talks about is liposuction (which is dangerous and wouldn't help her problem anyway) and I won't even consider plastic surgery for myself right now as I'm afraid it would reinforce her ideas that she doesn't look good enough. Does anyone else have grown daughters? And if so, are you experiencing any of the same kings of feelings? Please help.
on 4/28/05 1:33 am - Columbia City, IN
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Thursday
I'm right there with you. I can eat a whopper junior with no problem; also a sandwich made at home. Sometimes it goes down so easy its scary; others I get full faster. Greasy things just don't do it for me anymore; sometimes it makes me queasy just thinking about it. My greatest weakness is crunchy things. I love wheat thins and keep them around often. If I had Pringles at home, I'd be a goner. Fortunately my kids and spouse love icky things like salt & vinegar chips which I can't stand, so I buy them and can leave them alone easily. I CAN tolerate sugar (not so much baked things, but candy/chocolate) and it's a struggle to avoid. There are jars of candy at the office and I have to work HARD to stay away when I walk past. I generally have to go into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror and remind myself of how far I've come and how easily it could slip away.
on 4/28/05 1:27 am - Columbia City, IN
Topic: RE: Slim Fast low carb drinks?
If you're in trouble drinking this, then I'm in trouble too because I'm finishing creamy chocolate slim fast as I write this. They're not my favorite (no protein is), but it's okay and it's a good source of protein to keep me from seeking out other snacks at the office. The best thing is that they sell them already cold at the gas station around the corner, so I can grab one for breakfast if I don't eat at home. No menopause here yet, other than some pre-menopausal insomnia but I think I'd welcome it. Maybe not. I had gained 3 pounds as well and I've just now taken it back off after alot of honest soul-searching about what had crept back into my eating habits. I know it's going to be a life-long struggle. Let me know what the dr. says about the Lupron (for the anemia, right?) and possible weight gain.
D. K.
on 4/28/05 1:11 am - AL
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Tuesday
As far as colors for my surroundings, I would have to say all the dark jewel tones. I also love the soft buttery yellows and the blue of the blue willow pattern. To wear, I look best in black, red, turquoise, colors like that, but I do adore pink. Debbie
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