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Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Saturday
Check your e-mail. I sent you something earlier. I live just outside of Memphis, which is in the southwest corner of Tennessee.
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Saturday
According to Rand McNally, I'm 236 miles from Lousivlle, 411 from Chattanooga and 598 from Memphis.
Do any of those put you half way? If not, make a suggestion. I know little about Kentucky or Tennessee (which is awful since my brother and sister-in-law moved to just outside of Nashville about 8 months ago).
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Saturday
According to the Rand McNally Atlas, I'm 485 miles from Cincinnati and 382 from Louisville.
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Saturday
Julia, we do have a lot in common and I would love to meet you! I noticed something else that we have in common... we both have short hair and our hair has just enough natural curl to be dangerous.
Lets really try to get together sometime. That would be so much fun!
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgery
We'll all be praying Paula. Keep your chin up and let us know what he says.
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Saturday
Wanda, we really should make plans to meet. TN and IN aren't that far apart and we've mu*****ommon.
* Our daughters are close in age
* We're both married to non-dancing men (you 23 years; me 25 years)
* We're about the same size and age
* I also like crafts, but can't seem to find the time to get it done.
* I'd love to have my pool back (lost it when we moved)
* I need to get ideas from other sources as I'm not independently creative
* and last but not least, I LOVE to read.
Topic: RE: Does anyone feel guilty?
Let me start by saying how much I love the new picture! I can't beleive it's're so cute.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I've had much the same experience with a couple of friends I once did a weight loss program with. One just never mentions my weight loss - like it didn't occur. And the other has dropped me altogether. She recently told someone how glad she was that after the weight-loss group ended, the friendships remained close. I was shocked that she had said that since she hasn't spoken to me directly in over 6 months. She's regained some of her weight and the only thing she said to me was that she wishes she could just gain 100 pounds and then SHE would qualify for WLS. I discouraged that, of course.
I get tired sometimes, of being expected to be everyone else's cheerleader when they lose 20-40 lbs., and then have no one acknowledge the change in me. I'm like you and just don't talk it much at all unless someone else brings it up. Oh's their problem.
Still in all, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm grateful that my insurance covered WLS, and I'd do it again tomorrow. The pros are so much greater than the downsides.
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Sunday
I would LOVE to attend a formal dinner dance as it would give me a good chance to dress up which is soooo much fun. But my husband sounds like Wanda's Mark. No dancing from that quarter. He's hilarious and fun to be with so long as you're sitting at the table. And I just can't see dance lessons looming on the horizon.
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Sunday
One of the guys last night didn't dance, but his wife was out dancing up a storm. I talk to him for a while. At first he said he had no interest at all for dancing, but then admitted that he felt so awkward on the dance floor that he wouldn't even try. He just knew everyone would be looking at him. He did say that he had considered dance lessons, and that if he really knew how to dance he wouldn't feel so self-conscious he was sure. Hal and I have considered taking lessons, but haven't done anything about it at this point. I am amazed at all the dance studios here in AZ.