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on 5/6/05 8:05 pm - East Greenville, PA
Topic: RE: New House
congratulations mary!! I am so glad for you that all your dreams are coming true!!! Wed. will be here before you know it!! Congrats again! sarah
on 5/6/05 8:05 pm - Capital District, NY
Topic: Question of the day (or weekend maybe) - Saturday
Okay, here's a deep one: Did you stress-eat before your surgery, and how have you transformed your stress eating into more positive (or, even different) directions? Did anything specific help you in this change? And my answer, after continued work on this. I'm still working through some of Teri Kai Holzclaw's books on this issue as well as a lot of the other resources that deal with work on the 'head' end of the surgery instead of the physical side; it's still a big issue for me, as the level of stress in my personal and professional life rise, I find myself reaching for the dreaded snacks. Its not so much that snacks are pure evil in and of themselves.. I find my pouchie getting really upset with me if I don't put SOMETHING in it at least every 5-6 hours, and it doesn't necessarily have to be much. I try to redirect it to 'positive' snacks like peanuts or pistachios, or even beef jerky if it's (the pouch) not too mad at me. I know I'm stress eating less.. I'm not sure however that the redirection (mostly internalization) has yet to transform into a positive one. Someday, they'll be able to do the surgery on the mind (lol) as well as the stomach; until then, all we can do is identify the issues, work on and through them, and try to hit both our physical, mental and emotional goals, hopefully hitting them all and reaching the ultimate finish line of not winding up where we started. I know that I have transformed some of the stress into assertiveness - I'm much less willing to let people walk all over me at work or even in my extended family than I was, and also, in many cases but not all, will speak up if I disagree with something. Especially at work, this doesn't mean I won't do what I'm told to do, but if I don't agree, I will tell them that I don't agree or think it's a bad idea and why. This is some of what I used to do, but it's amplified a little more; maybe because of the increased stress, maybe some redirection of the eating stress; not 100% sure. How about everyone else? I know I'm not unique in this (from discussions with the local face-to-face and local-online WLS groups), but I also know it's not an issue with everyone.. ...Nick
on 5/6/05 7:51 pm - Capital District, NY
Topic: RE: Still losing - even slowly?
Julie - I'm still losing, very slowly. A lot of it's the exercise issue, work, and redirecting stress. Like many, I always ate my stress in the past. Right now, my immediate family are doing okay, for the most part, but my extended family are going through some rough times, and work is extremely stressful, so I'm trying to remember to redirect stress into other areas; like many, I know that exercise would help.. it's a matter of translating knowledge into action. Anyways, in short, I'm still losing. I'm down to about 240, with between 55 and 75 lbs to go to where I wanted to hit for goal weight. That being said, I've lost 107, which is still amazing to me, my sugar is still in control as of last bloodwork.. My BP is starting to be a little high again, but that's unfortunately genetic - I knew I wasn't going to get out of it that easy, since I've had it since I was 165 at age 19. Even if I hit 165 again, I wouldn't be able to get rid of the meds from just weight loss or low/no sodium. The loss was originally stalled from months 2-6, for unknown reasons (esp since I *was* exercising then), then picked back up steady from months 6-11. It's been much slower since January, but it goes down a little while bobbing along, kinda like a clogged sink - up and down, repeated, sinking lower over time. Anyways, those are my early morning pre-coffee thoughts - hope all have a great Saturday. ...Nick
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/05 12:59 pm - CA
Topic: New House
We did the walk thru on our new home yesterday and then drove up to the title company to sign papers and make the down payment. WHEW, what a day. So exciting and yet so draining too. The loan will fund on Tuesday then the keys will be ours on Wednesday morning. Can't wait to get moved in and settled. This last year has been a year of dreams coming true. I had my surgery, I'm now thinner than I was in junior high school, Hal & I made a major move from CA to AZ, and we have built a new home!!! Truly feel blessed. It will take a couple of weeks for the pool to be finished and then the landscaping can be completed too. It is going to be fun to watch the changes and so nice to have the pool in the backyard with the summer heat coming very, very soon. It was in the low 90s today. We've been wearing shorts for a couple of weeks now almost daily. Hope you all have a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day too to all the moms out there. Hugs, Mary
Paula A.
on 5/6/05 7:59 am - San Joaquin Valley, CA
Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Tuesday
My favorite season is Spring. I grew up in Chicago and always loved the heady aroma of lilacs blooming and picking them from our back, white, and purple. We had full vases all around the house. The seasons in California kind of run into each other..but at least there is no ice to drive in!! Paula
Paula A.
on 5/6/05 7:52 am - San Joaquin Valley, CA
Topic: RE: Uh Hmm, it is almost Mother's Day. :)
This Mother's Day will be sad for me since my mom just recently died and I'm still emotional at the drop of a hat. I asked my son Scott for $8,000 to pay for a face lift as a Mother's Day gift. My kids never know when to take me seriously. All of a sudden the phone line was quiet as he was wondering how to reply!! You've got to love them. Even when they are 30 they still have some of their cute mannerisms from childhood. Have a wonderful, love filled Mother's Day with your families. Paula
Paula A.
on 5/6/05 7:44 am - San Joaquin Valley, CA
Topic: RE: Question of the day - Thursday
I'm with Sarah on this. I would love to live somewhere where there is lots of open space and the houses aren't on top of each other. My parrots could scream all they want without me always shushing them at 7AM. Paula
Paula A.
on 5/6/05 7:40 am - San Joaquin Valley, CA
Topic: RE: Question of the day - Thursday
Congrats Mary. This weekend will probably feel like it's dragging on!! Paula
ZachNJakes M.
on 5/6/05 6:55 am - Columbus, OH
Topic: RE: Still losing - even slowly?
I'm in the same boat.. I've really only lost about 2 lbs since January, but the scale seems to fluctuate a lot and I seem to lose/gain the same 3 lbs over and over again. I have a feeling though that it has something to do with my menstrual cycle. Usually one week (after my period), I'll weigh about 177. Today I weigh 173. Who knows what it will be next I am 5'10 so I'm cool with where I am. Whenever I go over 180, then I'll worry. Good luck to you all!
on 5/5/05 10:11 pm - Columbia City, IN
Topic: RE: Getting some R&R....
That sounds great! Our boat motor is toast and we've not gotten it fixed for the last 3 years because we were busy paying college bills, etc. for the kids, but I'm going to really push this summer to buy a new motor and get it back on the water. I'm not a big fisher-person, but I'm married to one. If I could just find a way to develop some perfumes like "eau de trout" or "classy bass", I might be able to compete. Generally, he goes North to Minnesota for a week in late fall, and north to his family's cabin (woodstove/outhouse/etc.) in Northern Michigan several times a year to get his fishing fix, but I just suggested last week that we look at going south to fish this fall. Maybe I should have him look into Mountain Home. As it is, I just take a good book and lay in the front end of the boat (which is ski boat with live wells and fishing it serves dual purpose) and admire what he catches. You're right about just scheduling it and making it happen. When I try to wait until we have a free weekend, it just never fits in. There's always something happening at church or with the kids that keeps us here. Have a great time!
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