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Topic: Question for Tuesday
Is there any part of your body that is sore since you've lost weight? Or any part of your body that you are more aware of?
Mine is my tailbone/butt. I have an office job, so the sitting really gets to me. If I sit for more than an hour straight, then it's like throbbing - visualize a cartoon where Wile E. Coyote hits his thumb with a hammer. That is my butt almost every day.
Denise - I have to stand up now.
Topic: RE: What vitamins are you taking now?
Hi Rhonda--
I am taking the same vitamin regimen that I began following my surgery.
2 Flinstones chewables; 1000 mg calcium; vitamin B-12; Vitamin C; Iron; Biotin and Zinc.
Topic: RE: Monday's Question of the Day...
I chew and chew, and chew meats because I still have such a time keeping them down. I feel a clulmp in my pouch which just bothers me. But everything else I eat as before. Hard to change ingrained behaviors!

Topic: RE: Monday's Question of the Day...
It depends on what I'm eating. If I'm having steak, I chew, chew, chew. If its something fairly soft, I eat like I did before surgery. I do eat slower now.
Topic: Monday's Question of the Day...
Do you still chew your food up to pieces? I find that I don't chew it as much as I did in the begining. Should we always chew well to aid in digestion? I'm trying real hard to be diligent about chewing now.
Topic: RE: How to hide this skin for summer!!!
K-Mart! and they are cheap and on sale! 40% off
Topic: RE: What vitamins are you taking now?
Hi Rhonda,
I'm taking a multi vitamin found at WM. It is called One Source Complete. It has lycopene,lutein,CoQ-10. I take one of those a day. I also take a sublingual B-12(2500 mcg) everyday. I also take WinnDixie's Calcium Citrate+D. I take 4 tablets (2 tablets twice a day. 6 hrs apart)
Topic: RE: Still losing - even slowly?
Well, you all have done wonderful. Don't fret. I'm the slowest of the slow losers. But I believe that part of it is due to my drastic weight losses. My recent loss before surgery was 240 lbs in 1 1/2 years. I just think my metabolism is just so wacked out. I have about 100 lbs to loose
yet. I have had a slow weight loss since I came out of surgery but I have come to terms with it. I'm doing the right things. I have tried different things and no matter what I do I can not get it to speed up. So I guess if it takes me 2 -3 years to get there, then fine. I certainly wi**** was faster. But atleast I'm not gaining, I'm healthy & have no complications from the surgery. I do exercise 4-6 times/weeks
and am active when I'm not exercising. So, Congratulations to all of you
& keep up the good work.
Topic: RE: What vitamins are you taking now?
I'm still taking the Centrum adult chewables, and I take the Citracal+Magnesium. Sometimes I take the Citracal+D instead and vary which ones I take, but I can tell the difference when I don't get the extra magnesium.
It's interesting what the different nutritionists and surgeons recommend.
I've been trying to keep track of my blood levels and while I'm "okay" on all of them (albumin and microalbumin are creeping up towards and .1 beyond the edge of normal) , I've not had a whole lot of luck finding "what's normal" for the values both pre and post op. The reference values the lab give are a start, but not necessarily where we "should" be; I usually take a guess towards the middle of the reference values given in the results. Some of the nutrient values are down towards the bottom of the range (incl magnesium) , and my guess is that when I'm not "being good", that the values are dropping below the "lab normals"... Hence even more the reason to make sure that we take our vitamins like we should

Topic: RE: Question of the Day - Friday
In the Albany, NY area, gas ranges anywhere from 2.17 a gallon for the 87 octane stuff to the 2.30-2.40 that Lee mentioned. The good news is that I drive on my way to work past the 2 cheapest competing gas stations, AND one of them participates in Upromise, so that throws a few pennies into my 15 year old's NY529 program college savings plan.
Now, the real funny part - there are a lot of dairy farms in the area I grew up in (about an hour north of Utica), so they aren't THAT far away. One of the major milk processing plants is 3-4 miles away in Altamont from where I live now (or it used to be; don't know if it's still there).
Milk, however, runs anywhere from 2.47 per gallon (in that neighborhood) at Walmart, to $3 in most of the grocery stores "on sale" to $3.50 at some of the grocery stores. I have seen it as cheap as 1.99 in some of the convenience stores as a "loss leader" to bring people into the store and while they are there, they get gas, etc. Of course it's usually the 2% that's on sale, while the 1% (that we drink now, post-bypass) is usually NOT on sale. The 2% tastes really funny now (lol).
At any rate, it's more expensive here for milk, in general, than areas that don't have ANY (or very few) farms nearby. And it's the "dairy stores" such as Byrne Dairy, etc, that have higher prices for the same milk than the places they sell it to (like the convenience stores and Walmart).
Go figure