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on 5/21/05 9:49 pm - West, TN
Topic: RE: one year younger
Hi, Daisy.... Everything's going great 15 months out for me. My starting weight was 256. I now weigh 174. I would like to get to 145. As you can see, I'm a very slow loser. I lost the majority of my weight the first 8 months after my surgery. I am now losing at a rate of about 1 pound a month. I can eat anything now..... nothing bothers me. I exercise at least five days a week. My exercise routine changes with my mood. Right now, I've been walking 3 miles each evening. I feel like I can hold quite a bit of food now at each meal (8 to 10 ounces). Eating seems normal again and I'm having to really watch what I eat. Even though I can't hold what I could before surgery, I tolerate all the stuff I don't need and I'm having to work on eating the right things now. This far out, the only people that say anything about my weight loss are the people that I haven't seen in quite a while. I started walking my neighborhood about two months ago and have run into neighbors I haven't seen since last summer (remember.... three miles covers a BIG area). They usually do a double take! Its so funny! Everyone else that I see more often have gotten used to the new me and they don't say much anymore (much to my delight... it was getting old!). Wishing you the best...........Wanda
on 5/21/05 9:31 pm - West, TN
Topic: RE: Quick Update
Glad to hear you're moved in and loving it! You have all the time in the world now to unpack..... which gives you plenty of time to play pool! I can't imagine 113 degrees. I've heard its a dry heat there in Arizona, but 113? That still sounds awful hot to me! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy that new home, new pool table and new swimming pool!!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/21/05 4:30 pm - CA
Topic: Quick Update
We are moved into our new home and loving it!!!! Still working on getting many boxes, so little time. LOL Give me a while longer and I should be back on-line more often (unless the pool beckons me ... suppose to be 113 tomorrow here and the pool isn't done). In the meantime, I'm learning to play pool (not to be confused with playing IN the pool). We have a game room at the new house and a pool table too. Never played in my life and trying to improve/create my skill at it. Have a great week. Mary
Paula A.
on 5/20/05 11:53 am - San Joaquin Valley, CA
Topic: RE: one year younger
Hi Daisy, Nice of you to drop by!! Congratulations on your surgery and your great weight loss. I had surgery on Feb 11, 2004. I had lost 80 pounds prior to surgery. Since surgery I have lost 99 more pounds for a total of 179 pounds. I've done well without any major complications. My pouchy though is kind of citrus fruits, and still having problems with all meats and chicken. Can't have rice or potatoes or expands in my pouch causing me to get very uncomfortable. Can't deal with fried foods. Unfortunately I don't dump on sugar!!! Every day I am thankful that I have this tool and the support of the people here to help me continue along my of maintenance. Good luck to you on your journey. I hope you develop friendships along the way, esp in your Feb group. Paula 5'4" 299/120
* daisy *.
on 5/20/05 3:59 am - quincy, IL
Topic: one year younger
Hi i'm one year younger than all you guys and gals. I had my wls feb 7th 2005. just 3 1/2 months ago. I was just wondering how others are doing a year eairlier than me. I have lost 53 lbs blood sugar normal i can eat every thing. but sugar and bread and a lot of fat. does it feel good one year later still.
on 5/18/05 10:02 pm - Columbia City, IN
Topic: RE: Question for Tuesday
Ditto, although it's not constant. Some chairs seem to make it worse. I just flew to Manhattan for vacation and the plane ride was awful. I also find it uncomfortable to sleep on my side now, because my bony knees knock into each other. My husband thinks that's funny, but I'm used to having alot of padding and my knees "clink" almost when I try to lay them on top of each other, so I have to kind of alter the way I sleep. Oh's a small price to pay
Paula A.
on 5/18/05 3:47 pm - San Joaquin Valley, CA
Topic: RE: Question for Tuesday
I've also become acutely aware of my tailbone as I've lost more and more weight. The padding is all gone from that area for sure. It seems as if my bones are directly under the skin there. This seems to cause me to have a pain in the butt. Now, notice I didn't say I am a pain in the butt!! Paula
on 5/17/05 11:01 pm - West, TN
Topic: RE: Question for Tuesday
I have the same problem as you, Denise. I had to add an extra cushion to my chair at work. It seems I've lost more in my behind than anywhere else. Wanda
Trisha W.
on 5/17/05 12:48 pm - Lakewood, Oh
Topic: RE: Question for Tuesday
Hello Denise, Have to say it's my entire body lol.My butt is most noticable.Since there is less cushion there it does seem to get sore if I sit for too long. Take Care Trish
D. K.
on 5/17/05 10:23 am - AL
Topic: RE: Question for Tuesday
I'll second the tailbone. I notice my back too. I don't think I'm slouching, and have always had pretty good posture. I have been seeing the comercial about that says "if you slump, you'll get your grandmother's hump" and in the back of my mind I worry about our calcium absorption. I'm especially worried, because of the Lupron injections I have been on. It clearly states that it can cause bone loss, and might not be corrected once the injections are stopped. Debbie
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