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Topic: RE: A new experience
Dear Paula,
My heart goes out to you an my prayers as well. I can't imagine how hard it was for you to celebrate your birthday. I do hope in time your pain will heal and you'll be able to focus on only the good memories with your mom. I know what it feels like to feel all alone, but you know your not. I have always felt like a disappointment to my mom. Now I know the only person *****ally needs to be happy with me is me. Everyone else will just have to deal with it, ya know? You are a sweet an loving person and I wish you only the best and hope you know your cared about.
Take care Trish
Topic: RE: A new experience
I'm sorry to hear that your birthday was so sad. It has to be hard to celebrate a birthday you shared with your mother now that she is gone. I lost my mother in 1997. It has gotten easier for me, personally, as the years have gone by. I can't say it will be the same for you, but I do hope it does get easier for you. I still have my moments when I miss her terribly and want her with me!
You say your mother was a very critical and judgmental person. That had to be hard to live with. I've never understood why someone would go out of their way to make someone else feel bad. I'm sure she cared for you deeply and maybe her being critical about your size was her way of worrying about you and letting you know how she felt. Some people are just not good at letting their feelings be known in the right manner.
You are such a beautiful, caring person, Paula, and I wish you a belated happy birthday.
Topic: RE: A new experience
I know what your feeling, I lost my mom unexpectly a year and half ago and it's been devistating. We were so close like sisters, and she to expected perfection from me, like your mother did you. I played Fast Pitch Softball and became a pitcher, I became very good but they (both my parents) always found something to critizie me about. I heard it all the time. My birthday is April 1st and my mom's was April 30th. It is hard to celebrate the only day it was just you and your mom without her. Also sharing the same birthday month is incredibly hard. I have had 2 birthdays since she's gone I had just turned 40 and she was gone 2 months after. I have spent those birthdays mostly crying and frowning, I don't see it getting easier for me but hope somehow it will. I really don't have any advise for you since I don't know how to get through them either but I just wanted you to know I know where your coming from and share your pain and confusion.
I try talking to her but feel funny that nobody's there I just hope she somehow hears me...... I don't know if there is a afterlife nobody comes back to say but I do hope we will all be together again someday.
Keep your chin up!
Topic: RE: PS consult. What do you think?
Please go for another consult or even a couple more to see what another surgeon can offer. Plastic surgeons I believe are artistic by nature and I would hope you could find the one who is willing to help you.
I have a thought..I'm not sure if it is ever done. I am going to have reconstructive surgery on my absent breast and the other side to match. I don't want implants either. My surgeon does microsurgery and can do what is called a Tram Flap where he will form breasts from excess tissue either from my belly, hips, or thighs. I wonder whether they can do that for you?? What do you think? I think it is worth looking into. Why not check the UCLA Plastic Surgery site and read about the procedures? Sorry I don't have the link.
You are not acting vain at all. It is disconcerting to lose so much weight and then not have the body you thought you would have. Don't just settle...I feel confident you will find the right surgeon for you.
Good luck. Best wishes,

Topic: A new experience
Good Saturday afternoon to my special February family,
Yesterday was my 54th birthday...the first one since my mother died. I was soo sad and upset all day. I cried and cried. I was born on my mom's birthday and this is the first one alone. It felt so strange and empty.
She was a very critical and judgmental person. When I would lose weight she would say I looked great and as I would gain it back she was disappointed. Her favorite thing in the world to do was to watch the game shows, particularly Wheel of Fortune. Every night she mentioned how beautiful Vanna was, she never "let herself go". Her mantra was you can never be too thin or too rich. But, I loved her a lot. I spent 53 years trying and overachieving just to get her to accept me for me. Ironically, she got senile dementia just when I had wls. She never recognized me again. She missed sharing my journey. She would have been a good support.
My parents were married over 20 years before I was born. I do believe that she loved me very her own way. I can accept that now. But, will the hurt lessen with the birthdays year by year that we can no longer share together? It is comforting to know we will all be family again when I hopefully join my parents in heaven.
Thanks for listening.
Topic: RE: PS consult. What do you think?
I'm with Mary. I'd get a second opinion. At the least, I'd have the PS you met with submit it to insurance and see what happens. If you're having back and shoulder problems due to all the excess, you never know what they will do. (I'm sure your doctors probably knows what the insurance company wants, but it never hurts to try)
You must be in great shape with all the running you do. I can't think of anything more physically demanding than running. I wish I could do it... tried, but my knees just hurt so badly afterward when I try.
Topic: RE: PS consult. What do you think?
If you have back and shoulder pain from the excess skin of the stomach and breast areas, I would think he could justify it. Any chance you might get a 2nd opinion??
I understand your concerns about implants.
Topic: PS consult. What do you think?
I posted this on the PS board, but thought I'd share my ramblings with you all.
I had a PS consult last week, and I'm not too sure what to think.
The first thing he said is that I don't look like his normal gastric bypass patient. Good, I guess, but I don't think I look very good at all!
He then told me it looked good for insurance coverage for the breasts because I frequently get sores when I do longer runs or races. He also told me that if I only get a breast lift without implants that he thinks they will be too small for me (I've always been large-breasted) but that he'll do whatever I'd like. I'm a little afraid of implants and don't really want them if I can avoid it.
As for the tummy, he said I looked like someone who has had a child, not someone who's lost 90#, so it was unlikely for insurance to cover the TT. He didn't think he'd have to do as extensive a surgery for that as his other WLS patients, but definitely thought I'd benefit from it. I explained that I have a lot of stress on my neck and shoulders from ALL of it bouncing when I run, not just the boobs! He was still unconvinced that insurance will cover since you can't really say that I have much of a hanging panni.
So, like I said, I came out of the office feeling incredibly vain about how I think my body should look, but he did make me feel as though he could definitely help me out with my body image.
Another point I'd like to make (sounds like I'm trying to justify my desires, huh?) is that it sure would be nice to be able to only wear a sports bra to run in since I get so hot even with the microfiber shirts, but with all the bounce, I just can't do it. They don't make them with enough support, and there is no way I'd expose my belly in all its glory!
Thanks for listening to me babble.
Topic: RE: Anyone heard from DK?
Thanks for posting. I'd been wondering how you were doing as well.
As I was looking through the info the surgeon I saw gave me, it's almost nothing to have the boobs taken care of (which insurance will probably cover for me), the tummy stuff is much more complex and has a much longer healing time (and more painful). I saw a lady going in for her 1-week post-op visit after the tummy tuck and she looked pretty miserable still.
Keep us posted on how you're feeling. Glad you got the nasty fibroid taken care of.
Topic: RE: HERE'S MY -100 LB PIC!!
Thankyou everybody! You have made my day a brighter one! Hope all is going well for you!