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Topic: Join the group...
Afternoon everyone!
So this morning after waking up nauseous and thinking it was something to do with my pouch, I ended up at the emergency room only to find out that they are going to FINALLY diagnose me with gallstones. I think I had them prior to my bypass sx, but it was never diagnosed so my surgeon left it in. Needless to say, I am back on an all liquid diet till tomorrow and I can have NO FATS OF ANY KIND! This is a big problem for me b/c I am allowed to have fats in my diet; aka cheese, olive oil, avacadoes, refried beans, etc. The good fats, not french fries and cheese steaks. I still have trouble with meats, esp chicken and I hate eggs and fish!! AHHH!!
I am frustrated mostly because on May 18 of this yr I had my tonsils out, my septum straightened, and my sinuses cleaned out and was out of work for 2.5 weeks. I used up all my sick time and vacation time (I have only been at my job for 9 months and short term disability denied me coverage). I am joking about it b/c I dont really have a choice in the matter, the surgeon said the sooner it comes out the easier it will be (as opposed to having it out after I have another attack). I will have had 3 surgeries in less than 2 years how awesome is that?!?!? (dripping with sarcasm!!!)...thanks for listening everyone!!

Topic: RE: A new experience
You know, Paula, I've come to realize that sometimes what our parents do make us stronger. I grew up with an alcoholic father. His regular routine was to stay out every other night and drink at the local tavern. When he would get home, we would wake up to screaming and hollering and sometimes violence against my mother. I swore I would NEVER allow that to happen to my children.
Dad is still an alcholic. I was mad at him for a long time. Not only for what he did while I was growing up, but also for putting my mother in a nursing home and never, and I mean NEVER, going to see her. I wasn't upset that he put her in the nursing home, she needed 24 hour care. I was upset that he never once went to see her. I've since come to realize he is a weak man and I have forgiven him. When I did, that released me from inner pain and termoil.
You are a strong person and I see you making it through this.
Topic: RE: Anyone heard from DK?
Hi Debbie,
Thanks for letting us know how you are. I too was wondering and praying that your surgeries went smoothly.
Way to go on the weight loss. It's your prize for all that pain!! You'll be at goal before you know it. I bet your belly is looking great.
Take care. Don't be shy with the pain meds. No need to be in pain.
Topic: RE: A new experience
Ooopsssss.... my niece was using my computer and was signed into The response from Lauren M is actually from me. LOL
Topic: RE: A new experience
Big hugs coming your way. I know this birthday was hard for you. Remember altho your mom is not here, she is still in your heart. Don't let her passing take over your life. Rejoice in what you have accomplished and know that she would be so proud of you.
My mom passed away 2 days before my birthday this year and 1 day after she was suppose to fly here to live with us. It is hard at times and I do miss her terribly, but I know she is now without pain nor is she suffering. That makes it so much easier.
My niece is here right now, so haven't been on the computer much. She will be here another week, then I will be able to check posts more often.
Topic: RE: A new experience
Hi Trish,
Thank you for the kind words, I have never really felt cared about. I thank God that he guided me to this site with such real and caring people.
You have such a positive, upbeat attitude. Thanks for sending some along my way.
Topic: RE: A new experience
Wanda, Thank you for the kind words. I'm happy your grief about your mom's death has become easier for you as the years have gone by. I pray for the same.
My mom was not just critical about my size. I don't ever remember her saying she was proud of me...throughout my life. I got married at 20 after dropping out of college. My parents were both greatly disappointed, I now as a parent can understand their feelings. Like a lot of parents, their dream was for me to become a doctor. But eventually I finished college and nursing school...magn *** laude. I got a double master's of both majors. I became a nurse practitioner. She asked if I was disappointed that I hadn't become a doctor not just a nurse. And on and on.
But, I hold no grudges now. That's just the way she was. And, it made me a stronger woman able to provide for my 4 kids far away from an abusive man.
Sorry to go on and on. Thanks for caring.
Topic: RE: A new experience
Thank you for sharing your relationship with your mom with us. I'm sorry she treats you this way. I surely pray that your little girl has never heard her grandma discuss her weight. It is so hurtful, I can't understand how people don't see the hurt in their kid's eyes when they are so negative. My mother just never got it. She was brought up in an orphan home from age 7 when her mom died of that flu in the 1920's.
I hope it's not too late for you to have a loving relationship with your mom, and that she just loves her grandbaby without side comments.
You know, I do feel a relief in my heart...I no longer have to continually seek positive attention. I am free to drop all the negative and remember the good things.
Topic: RE: A new experience
Jill...Thank you so much for sharing. I understand your feelings so well. Having both parents being critical of you must have been difficult. My dad tried to be his own way. He had an alcohol problem and became verbally abusive when under the influence...and then forgot that he called me a fat butt or whatever.
I hope the pain lessens as the years roll by. Thankfully, I do have a strong belief system and know that they are together and both happy now. By the time I get to heaven I know they will be loving and find worth in all souls.
Topic: RE: A new experience
Paula, Happy Birthday!
I am saddened when reading your post. My heart hurts for you. Isn't it amazing the impact mom's have on our lives? My mom is very much alive and doing well...yet it feels different. Our relationship has changed. She was the first one to notice that I was getting bigger. She was a champ at lecturing and being disappointed in me. Now that weight is no longer a topic for discussion, she is searching for other outlets. The weight of my 3 1/2 year old daughter and the fear of me gaining back. Can she ever just look deep into her heart and into the heart of her loving daughter and smile because I"m alive and happy and want her to stop being a nag????
I'm hoping you will find relief from your pain. Enjoy the good memories you have. Nothing you do can ever bring her back. You do have the power to have more sunny days.
Warmly, Denise