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Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
A while back, Katherine posted with some of these issues as well. She had a lot of pain along with the neuropathy. I haven't seen her post in quite some time and hope she is doing okay.
I truly feel for you in this situation and am glad this didn't go on for too long before you got help. I'm hopeful they can get your body going again and find ways to keep you nourished.
Please keep us posted on your progress. We are here for you.
Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
Hi Noelle - thank you so much for finding the courage and strength to share your story with us. It is so unfortunate that this is happening to you.
Are you going to get progressively worse? I know it's still early for you and you probably have a million and a half questions.
Your attitude is healthy and that will take you far. Have you thought of posting this on the main board? I wonder why this is one complication that I was not warned about?
Take care and keep in touch.
Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us and let us know what sorts of complications we may need to watch for. I've been blessed since surgery and my heart breaks to hear of your difficulties. I am so glad to hear that your physician seems to be informed and helpful. I would also like the link to the Mayo report if you find it as I have a friend who just recently underwent surgery 2 months ago and I'd like to pass it along to her.
Know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers constantly and we'll be believing for better times ahead.
Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
Thanks for replying. I have a carnitine deficiency, my creatine level is fine. All these words start looking alike...don't they. Carnitine is essential to fat metabolism. It transfers fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells...mostly muscle and heart. In there the fatty acids are metabolized into energy for the cells. Without the carnitine there is inadequate energy to keep the muscles and heart working at full speed. Often carnitine deficiency is not diagnosed until there is sudden cardiac death. Scary stuff.
I am going to see the neurologist too as my peripheral neuropathy has gotten worse. If it's not one thing it's another!!
God bless you and your family. Your February family will be here waiting to hear updates. Paula
Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
Noelle -
I guess what I was trying to get to, and wasn't clear, was to find out WHAT levels/tests your surgeon had run, and perhaps you can find out from the neurologist/endocrinologist if there are any specific blood work tests or levels on the tests that would indicate that this problem exists..
Again, not terribly helpful right now for you, but when you get the levels back to normal, it may help, and we may be able to get the rest of us to check our surgeons bloodwork list and poke them until they add the appropriate tests to make sure this problem doesn't exist.
There is a lot of "denial" in the provider community, in my experience, either for "oh, none of my patients are having problems", to "well, if someone is having an issue, it must be something THEY are doing" (again, not from all providers, and not all patients either). The difference between a surgeon and God is that God doesn't think he's a surgeon.. (grin). Again, not all are like that, but most won't admit they may have made a mistake... (and that's from > 13 yrs experience is healthcare/hospital computer support).

Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
You are in my thoughts, prayers and will be passed along on our prayer chain. May God give you the strength and well-being that you need to regain your health.
Lap RNY - 5/24/05 - Dr. Graber, Utica, NY
Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
Yes, my doctor was doing the bloodwork. He did it at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. I was told my liver enzymes were high, but that was it. Everything else was fine supposedly.
Paula, if you can, go to a neurologist as well as the endicrinologist. The Creatine levels are your protein. The TPN stuff that I have to do by IV every day for 12 hours has 90.1 grams. PLUS, I have to eat. The muscle weakness and fatiuge are signs.
Here's a test (at least one they kept making me do in the hospital)
1. Can you pick up your leg and straigten it out at the knee?
2. If you are laying on a bed and someone props your foot up at a 90 degree angle will it stay there?
P.S. I failed both of those tests.
As for the Mayo Clinic study, I will try and find it. My mom has a hard copy. It was in the Neurologist magazine in October (I also can't remember anything)
Thanks heaps for everyone's understanding. No, there is not anything I can do except keep hooking up this IV for who knows how long, stay on the walker, use the chair for trips and just keep praying.
I need to say that I wasn't trying to bring anyone down from a good holiday, but the fact is it IS happening and to a lot of people in various stages.
Topic: Happy 4th of July
Hello All,
Just wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th. I am celebrating being free of 170 pounds I have lost so far.My tool is still working and I am still losing ,although slowly.I can eat pretty much anything in moderation.An my pouch lets me know when I eat to much, if I eat to much fat or sugar. Life is so much better now than it was before. I know I am truely blessed so far to not have had any complications and my heart goes out to those who are experiencing complications and I pray for them.
I try not to compare my progress with others and just be happy with where I am. Look at how far I have come and keep focused on where I wanna be.Well please take care and have a happy and safe 4th.
Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
Noelle -
My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family - As one other person asked, I was curious if your surgeon had had regular bloodwork done to check the levels of the different nutrients done, or not?
I'm not trying to point fingers, at all... I'm just trying to find ways people can check, short of coming to the same point that you are unfortunately at, to see if they are having severe absorption issues...
If I can ask, what are the next steps for you? (besides prayer that things start working 'properly' again..)
Again, our prayers are with you -
Topic: RE: Information that needs to get out
I am sorry you are going through this right now, however, I appreciate the fact you thought enough of us to share your experience. I am praying you will soon get better. Again, thanks for sharing. I am sending
your way.