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Topic: RE: Missing People
I'll second that!! I soo much enjoy feeling a part of this family. Haven't heard from Joanne in quite a while. I miss reading about her struggles and accomplishments. I do hope they are all doing well and enjoying their new lives...just stop by and say hi every once in a while guys!!

Topic: RE: Missing People
Katherine too...and I'm sure there are more that have just slipped my mind right now. Let me think about it.
Topic: Missing People
I miss Debbie, Kelly and Joanne (you guys were some of the first ones in this group). Where are you? Come back!!!!
Topic: RE: Anyone having these problems?
I'm at a loss as to offering any advice, but I do send hugs your way and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Topic: RE: Happy 4th of July
I am so glad everything has worked out for you. I can't complain either... so far, everything is fine with me also. I too try not to compare myself to others.... I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and complications with each other. It keeps me on my toes and helps me to be more aware of what my body is telling me.
I did have a happy and safe 4th. Hope you did too.
Topic: RE: Anyone having these problems?
Becky -
Hang in there; that's unfortunately not an uncommon attitude for surgeons. Not all are like that, but far too many are.
I have had a few issues with the heat with hypo, but never below 48 so far that I've measured; I can tell because I get a funny taste in my mouth when it starts to drop quickly..
Beyond that, I seem to be doing mostly okay.. My sugar will pop 'up' if I eat too many carbs *(above the 120 that they don't want to see you go above), so your symptoms sound kinda familiar, if more extreme than mine...
You may need to end up going on a modified atkins/protein power/zone diet, trying to push more fats and proteins to stabilize your glucose, since they are metabolized slower, and trying to find out what carbs you can eat that won't spike you. Try looking at the 'glycemic index' of foods (GI) and see if that has any bearing on your spiking; my guess is that foods with a lower glycemic index, meaning your body doesn't metabolize them as fast, will be more helpful to you, esp if you can find ones that still have carbs, but a lower GI... failing that you'll probably need to try to up your calories using proteins/fats to find the 'balance point' where you can stop losing weight, maintain your sugar levels and have energy, all at the same time... . Probably the same things that the dietician/endo will mention at some point (or should)...
hang in there and keep smiling - it makes them wonder what you're up to

Topic: RE: Anyone having these problems?
thanks for your reply. i see a doctor about every week. I have been followed very closely for the last three months by my pcp and endocrine specialist. My body produces way to much insulin so my endo doc told me to not have any carbs. It is hard to gain or even maintain when you can't have carbs. When i eat carbs my sugar goes high and then bottoms out. They are trying to rule out everything that it could be (much testing and several hospital stays). i go on the 12th for the final conclusion of all the testing. at first they thought that i had tumors on my pancreas but i think that they have narrowed it down to food reactive hypoglycemia. Basically if i eat carbs, i have a spike in glucose and then an over production of insulin, resulting in a bottomed out glucose level. We're talking as low as 15-19 on several different occasions. My body has gotton so use to it being so low that i don't even realize it's low until it's in the 30's.
I constantly drink. if i'm not drinking a protien shake i am drinking my sugar-free koolaid. I get at least 64 oz a day.
Sometimes it is our peers that we find out info. I have found that the Surgeons do not want to admit that their surgury could have any thing to do the the situation. My PCP & Endo feel different. Don't get me wrong, i am glad that i have lost all of the weight and regained my life but i am ready to stop and get on with the wonderful life i have.
thans again for your post

Topic: RE: Happy 4th of July
So glad to hear you doing so well and feeling so wonderful.
Topic: RE: Anyone having these problems?
Your body can only use so much protein and the rest gets flushed away, not stored. Your energy level is likely more to do with not having enough caloric intake and the low iron rather than protein.
How much and how often are you eating? I eat a minimum of 5 times a day. You might be having some continued malabsorption. I didn't check your profile so I don't know how much you were bypassed, but that can certainly make a difference.
Not eating enough/often enough can cause the hypoglycemia. I was having problems with that for a while before we figured out a better way for me to eat around my workouts. If you don't drink enough fluids, your blood pressure can go that low. Otherwise they do have medications for that.
How long has it been since you visited with your surgeon or PCP? It truly sounds to me like you just plain need to eat more and more often. You're not alone in this (I see posts like yours often), and the advice most often given is increase the carb intake.
I truly hope you start feeling better. These are things that do happen to folks post-op that just don't happen very often. Glad you decided to post.
Topic: Anyone having these problems?
I haven't posted but a few times on this board but i read it often. I feel like i know everyone. I also had my surgury in Feb 04 and have lost 185lbs. I can't stop loosing. I went from a size 30/32 to a 6/8. I am 5'10" so i carry the 157lbs well. I have lost 7lbs just in the last week.
My problems are as follows: very low blood pressure (95/45); hypoglycemic to the point of losing consiousness average sugar is (50-60). Outside of low iron my blood work is excellent. I get in 70-100 grams of protien a day.and take my vitamins faithfully. I am eating and stay active but don't really work out. i run out of energy before most days are through. I can feel every bone in my body. I look okay in clothes but i am skin and bones my hubby says. he wants me to have the surgury reversed so that i will be healthy again. no one else in my area that i am aware of is having the same problems. i don't dumped and can pretty much eat what i want. just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problems. . . . . .
congrats to everyone