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Linn D.
on 7/21/05 9:57 am - Missoula, MT
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
Believe your boyfriend. He obviously likes you just the way you are, and that is a wonderful thing. My husband is like that too. He keeps telling me (well, he hasn't for a while) that I'm plenty small enough. He also tells me he loved me how I was before surgery, and why would he love me any better now? What gets me is when he tells me I'm eating too often! I wish he'd make up his mind about what he thinks I should be doing! Should I eat less and continue to lose, or should I maintain as I have been? No wonder I'm having mixed thoughts. I'm getting mixed messages from him as well as from my own mind. Linn
Linn D.
on 7/21/05 9:53 am - Missoula, MT
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
Kelly, Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone in this. I don't have much of a butt anymore either, so that makes it even harder to see that the belly really isn't as big as I think it is. I'm trying to get a head adjustment, but is sure is hard when all I've seen for so long is a big woman. Linn
Linn D.
on 7/21/05 9:51 am - Missoula, MT
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
You know, Paula, now that we are basically through the main process, it seems like this part is almost more difficult than the first. It seems as though there is almost a constant pull in our minds between where we think we are and where we think we ought to be. I was surprised that I actually GREW. I really didn't, but I'm once again the height I thought I was before surgery. The weight really pulled on me, I guess, because I was only 5'4" when measured pre-op. By the way, ramble on anytime! My eyes are always open. Linn
Paula A.
on 7/21/05 6:33 am - San Joaquin Valley, CA
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
Hi Linn, Sorry I don't have any advise for you. I am feeling very much like you are. I too have been doing ok with maintenance for 5 months. Then...I went for this year's dexascan and I lost a whole inch in height!!! (They measure before the test, my baseline 3 years ago was 5'4 3/4", last year 5'4", now 5'3"). On x-ray, there is evidence of yet another compression fracture in my osteoporotic spine). Now I feel I need to lose 5 more pounds since I'm shorter. I do hope it stops here...soon I'll be a very, very short, skinny person with a dowager's hump on her back! My size 6 jeans fit loosely but every time I put them on I can't believe I'll be able to pull up the zipper. My brain cannot compute the two. I always think the dryer was too hot and I shrunk and ruined them. You've got some exciting things to look forward to. There's the upcoming half marathon that you plan to run with your mom. Train hard now and give the marathon your fortunate you are that you have your mom to share this activity with. Then, you'll get your hard won prize - ps to get rid of some of that excess skin that you wear now as a badge of weight loss success. Sorry I've rambled on and on. Warmly (probably not a good word choice since it is 105 deg here now!), Paula
Linn D.
on 7/21/05 6:08 am - Missoula, MT
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
Nick, When I told this to my husband last night he just said I was crazy. He doesn't see the imperfections I see and thinks that I wouldn't be any better off by losing any more weight. I do appreciate what you said about carrying around the extra weight. I work in fire science and have to take the firefighter's 'pack' test every year (walk 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 45# pack). I picked up 2 of them (about the amount I've lost) and tried to walk with them. It was tough. I do remember how much more difficult and painful it was to move then, but you know how we get, always wanting something more. I want to run faster. Might be easier with a few less pounds. I guess that's one thing. Looking at myself and still not liking what I see is the mental part I'm struggling with. Thank you for your kind words. I guess it's just going to take some more time... Linn
on 7/21/05 4:18 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
Nick, What a great response! These last 25 pounds are really vanity pounds I would like to lose. I'm healthy now.... no problems what-so-ever. And that is why I had the surgery... for my health! If these last 25 pounds come off, great. If not, oh well. Thanks!!! Wanda
on 7/21/05 3:24 am - Capital District, NY
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
Linn - Everything is relative. It takes a long time for our heads to catch up to our bodies, both on the way "up" and on the way "down" and our society of "barbie doll wannabe's" doesn't help the perception of being 'fat' any. Next time you are in the store, go over to the kitty litter or dog food aisle. Put bags totalling the amount of weight you lost into a cart or into a pile on the floor. If you can get 2 buckets or 2 bags that you could lift, then do that instead. Move around either trying to lift the bags or lifting the cart (or pushing with your body). That's what you had before this surgery. Then you can set them down and walk away (unless you need to buy some kitty litter or dog food lol), confident that you have left that weight behind you, so to speak Personally, I'm about 100 lbs down (wavering on the last 10 lbs I had lost) and would like to lose another whole 60-80, which would take more effort than I've put forth so far.. :-/ ) If you're maintaining, then that, in all truth, is enough. If you can do the extra, then great. If not, then don't beat yourself up about it... While most of us wouldn't mind losing another 10-15, look how far you've already come, and keep that in mind when the self-doubt starts nagging at the back of your mind about feeling fat
on 7/21/05 2:04 am - West, TN
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
I'm right there with you, Linn. Just the other day, I was eating lunch with my daughter and telling her that I really want to lose 25 more pounds. I've been maintaining since December. She told me I look fine the way I am, but I sure would like to fit comfortably in a size 10. I too still feel big. I can remember feeling "skinny" in December... and if nothing else, my body has gotten a little smaller since. Maybe we're in the phase to where our brains are starting to catch up with our bodies. I remember thinking to myself at 256 pounds that I would LOVE to get into a size 12. Now that I'm there, I want to be in a size 10 (8 would be GREAT!). I wish you and your mom the best in your half marathon race. You are an inspiration! Wanda
on 7/21/05 12:46 am - East Greenville, PA
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
I am right there with you. I have lost 85lbs but I am still 15lbs away from 100 and thats where I want to be. My body seems to be happy @ this weight but I still feel fat and bloated. I tend to forget that I am still pretty bloated from my gallbladder surgery and my BF tells me all the time that he can tell that my stomach is big from being swollen and tender and not from being fat. He also tells me constantly that my butt is getting smaller and that I am fading away to nothing. (he met me when I was about 15lbs heavier). But I dont hear his words, I only see my belly sticking out and see the numbers on the scale. I wish I could let his words in!! sarah
keki60 B.
on 7/21/05 12:13 am - North Cape May, NJ
Topic: RE: Feeling fat again
Hi Linn, yes i feel the same way. some days i feel like my belly is way bigger than my butt! I keep wishing for winter just so i can wear long sleeves again. I hope the PS works for you, but i think our heads need to adjust to our new bodies. take care and have fun running with your mom, i thik thats awesome! kelly
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