What's your favorite High protein food?
Do you have a favorite high protein food since surgery?
I like salmon, shrimp, and am now eating beef. My favorite I think if buffalo. Tried it for the first time a few months ago. It is lower in calories and fat than even chicken. It tastes very similar to beef. The local grocery store sells it once a year. wi**** was easier to get on a regular basis.
Ruby Tuesdays has buffalo burgers as does Fudruckers. Very good, but I like the buffalo steaks better.
My favorite source of protein food is still deli meat (roast beef, ham, turkey) wrapped in either swiss or pepperjack cheese. I've grown to despise protein shakes and really dread drinking them. I have to admit that since October, I've probably only had 4 protein shakes. I've been trying really hard to make it up with other sources of protein.
I will have to try buffalo. We have a couple of Ruby Tuesdays restaurants in this area. I'll check it out! Christmas Day, my brother-in-law fixed bacon wrapped venison tenderloin. It was wonderful and I'm sure packed with protein.
Hi mary!
It has been so long since I have been here.
I am struggling to lose the 25 lbs I put on. So far I have lost 9 of them. Basically, I REALLY, REALLY watch my portions. I am also monitoring my sugar intake because I don't want my diabetes to come back. I also keep a log book on what I eat daily, how much I eat, and what I am doing when I eat it. Keeps things honest.
My favorite protein foods are swordfish, tilapia, scallops, tuna, steak, and my vanilla pineapple protein powder. I love all things really but these stand out more. Deli meat is great for lunch. I usually have about 2-3 oz of roast beef or turkey with 2 oz of cheese and a few pickles.
My breakfast is usually 1 cup of cream of wheat with 1/8 cup of a splenda/pumpkin spice mix, a mini box of raisins, pat of butter, and one scoop of vanilla pineapple protein powder.
I have been having a lot of salad lately. Mostly for dinner. Last night it was a plate of salad with some chopped egg, tomato, extra sharp cheddar cheese, cukes, red peppers, mixed greens, spinach, and 2 chicken tenderloins. I get a lot of carbs from this but all complex carbs. Same with my breakfast.
I usually have 2-3 snacks which consist of either a boiled egg, cheesestick or yogurt. Once in a while a banana or south beach peanut butter protein bar.
I have lost 9 lbs so far with this. It seems like a lot but it balances out.