Diet Pills???
I am almost 2 years out in February and have lost over 200pounds. I still need to losse about 80. I am on a platu for a few months, I thougt of going back on protien drinks only for a while to get the weight loss going again. Does anyone know if taking diet pills for a while is ok after Gastric Bypass? I know I have to ask my surgeon and I will but wondered if anyone else knew about it.
I wish everyone a Safe and Healthy New Year

I wouldn't take the diet pills ... just not a safe way to lose weight in my opinion. Since we cannot take time released formula of meds, I doubt that we could take diet pills because of that.
I understand your frustration, but we don't want to get back into the diet mode we had before surgery. A lot of people jump start their weight loss by doing high protein for a week, then high protein/low carb after that.
Congratulations on your accomplishments ... over 200 lbs loss is AWESOME.
Happy New Year to you also.