Where is everyone?
It's Friday night - I'm home...too darn cold to leave the house today. It snowed early this morning. 8 inches in central PA - pretty good for early December.
So many "regulars" to the Feb. 2004 SURGERY board have been absent. I hope everyone is ok. Where is Mary? Where is Lee? Where is Joanne? What happened to everyone? We heard from Nick recently...what about Windy Pat?
Yes, it's tough to keep the momentum going...when we seem to be in maintenance mode...I, for one - still struggle daily with food and weight. I'm pregnant, so I treat it like a "get out of jail free" card. I know, I know...wrong attitude, Denise.
With our 2 year surgery anniversary coming, how do you feel with where you are...all things considered? How do you keep the motivation going? How are you looking at yourself differently? What has been the most surprising? THe most disappointing? How is your health? Your outlook on the future?
I hope you are all well. I check daily...not so much posting...but checking in.
Good to hear from you Denise, glad things are going well with you. I struggle daily with making the right choices too. Sometimes I slip and have something that I should not, but I know it and try to make up for it by doing a little extra activity. I do not want to fall back to my problem with thinking of food as a reward and not having it, as a punishment. If I am really craving chocolate, I have a bite...but guess what, I am now satisfied with that bite...whereas before, I would have eaten the whole bag, bar or more.
I would like to lose 17 more pounds and know I will get there, especially now that I just had my tummy tuck. I am looking forward to going back to the gym...which I have steadily been paying for while I could not exercise due to the back pain from the hanging skin and rashes. My health is great and I have never felt this good in my life. The most dissapointing thing that I have had to face is that it is so easy to snack and will continue to be something I will have to watch. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself and future is bright...cause I am gonna maintain myself this way...life is good.
Have a Merry Christmas and a truely wonderful New Year (and new baby...congrats, btw),
Hey Denise,
I am here
, and doing pretty good. I am having some issues with extra skin and rashes but will wait a bit longer to have anything done. I look in the mirror and am noticing a smaller person looking back finally, after loosing 240 pounds. I need to jump start my weight loss again at a standstill for a whille, any suggestions? I still feel heavy but everyone says that I am tiny.. Massive knee pain 7 months after one knee repalcement still tons of pain and the other knee needs to be done. I have a great loving husband and wonderful kids, the holidays are good but sad it's my 2nd without my mom since her unexpected death.
I am still horrified
I hope you are doing well and things are good for you.
Happy Holidays,

Many find that going back to basics (high protein/low carb), exercise, and plenty of fluids is the answer to jump starting the weight loss again. You have done wonderful ... 240 lbs lost ... AWESOME!!!!
This is the first Christmas without my mom. It's been hard in many ways, but I try to focus on all the blessings in my life/keep myself busy and that sure does help. Mom will always be in my heart and I know she is here with us in spirit too.
Sending you hugs and understanding.
I'm back. The last few weeks I've been very busy with starting to be an Arbonne consultant and then building my business too. I'm enjoying it, but it is a lot of work too learning about the products, the company, and information to learn. Meeting lots of wonderful people along the way.
I'm doing OK. Hal and I are working on a challenge to eat better and exercise at least daily. It's been interesting and so far I have exercised each day, sometimes twice. Millie (our dog) and I are taking longer walks than ever before. Good for both of us. I'm not losing any weight so far, but am trying.
I'm proud of what I have accomplished. I'm at my surgeon's goal (6 lbs under), but still would like to lose some more weight. My health is GREAT, no more high blood pressure, no more sleep apnea, arthrisitis is better too. I love being able to keep up with Hal when we walk. We are doing so many more things than ever before. The surgery for me has been such a blessing.
I've missed you, Mary. Sounds like you and Hal are doing great and MIllie has a happy mommy and daddy -
I've heard Arbonne products are fabulous. I've got such dry skin and still suffer from break outs as well - today at 36 years old,I've got the skin problems of adolescense.
Keep up the good work and don't be gone for so long. I was worried about you.
uh, uh, me too....same issues as Denise....facial acne breakouts, but mostly dry skin. My mother gave me a sample board of arbonne packets all the way from cleanser to nighttime moisturizer. On the first use, I could tell a difference in the way my skin felt. Please send some info to me too, when you get a chance.