Loose Skin HELP............
Well I am 17 months out have lost 230 pounds and have flabby arms and thighs with tons of lines and looks deflated and causing rashes UGH!!!!
Also not to be gross but my lower feminine area is sagging and lower on top. Anyone have that problem? It's really imbarasing
my husband says he doesn't care but how can it not bother him. I try not to let him see it to much. We have been married 17 years and lots of love but it's a issue with me not him. I went to the doctor and got some ointment because desitin wasn't working. I know to document the rashes with the doctor for possible PS. What does insurance usually cover? Humanna is anyone knows. Also I heard some hospitals will remove the skin for thier use for graphs but are those doctors qualified?
If anyone can help please let me know
. Also my face is sagging it looks like I am frowning and my throat has lots of lines but don't think I will go that route.

From everything I've heard, the removal of skin for grafting is an urban legend; most of the time, the collagen in that skin (what makes it 'bounce back') is shot, and because of the unevenness/stretch marks, etc, it's usually not adequate for grafting work, where they have to evenly slice layers off to graft.
From most of the stuff I've read, they tend to use skin that's no longer needed (ie: cadavers). They are also doing a lot more work on artificial skin that doesn't have the problems of rejection.
I have a lot of extra skin too, but mostly on my thigh area and the area between my armpit and bicep on my arms.. there are a few little pouch areas in other spots, but thigh/arm are the biggest issues I have had, luckily.
I've been fortunate not to end up with a lot of rashes, I guess... In most cases, insurance won't cover anything major with this though; I haven't heard of them covering a full plastic surgery or tummy tuck, although I have heard of them covering a panniculectomy where they'll get rid of some of the rolls, but not "fix" the underlying muscles, or 'necessarily' make it 'pretty"...
A lot depends on your surgeon, how they bill, etc. (Not asking anyone to mis-bill or misrepresent what they are doing, mind, but a lot depends on what they "call" the procedure that you have done).
Best of luck with your coverage fight; hope you can manage to get it covered.. With the battles still facing WLS in general to get it not considered "cosmetic" surgery, I think the chances of them to not consider the followup surgery cosmetic as well, are pretty slim, but they do help complete the inner transition, IMHO (or not so humble opinion LOL).
From what I have read on-line, hospitals cannot use skin from us for skin graphs for others.
With regards to PS ... why not call your insurance carrier and asked them for the guidelines and if they are available in text format for you. Kaiser in CA would do tummy tucks IF skin rashes had been documented. They would only remove excess skin, do no muscle tightening or lifting.
If you talk to a PS, be sure to ask specifically what will be covered such as:
Do they do just skin removal or muscle tightening.
Do they tighten/lift the pubic area.
Is your belly button removed or do they cut around it and reset in (I'm serious about this one --- a friend lost her belly button because they was so much excess skin. She had not questioned it and was truly dismayed not to have one. If they have to remove it, be sure to ask what they do to reconstruct a new one for you.)
Each insurance company is different. Many people have been able to get PS approved because it was termed "reconstructive surgery" needed not plastic surgery which is elective.
Good luck.
My doctor has said that if you have rashes and such from the loose skin that you can qualify for plastic surgery and your insurance covers it. It has to be documented and the rashes have to be a real problem. If that is something that you would consider doing, I would suggest checking into it. At least have your document the rash problem in your records. I know I would love to have mine removed but don't know that I could stand the pain again.
Good Luck
I am schedlued for a panni removal on Nov 9th. The insurance is paying for it, but I am paying for lipo on the pouches under my breast area. I am also paying for the skin on my back, and thighs to be taken off and a breast lift. My mom is helping with some of the cost. I figure that I will be paying about 10k for all of the non-covered things!!
Good luck to you!!
Sarah G