I'm still alive..
We found out that after 7 months of trying that we are not able to get pregnant on our own, and we cannot afford IVF, so we are saving our pennies so that hopefully at some time next year we will be able to afford a round of IVF.
I am still pretty depressed about it all, but try not to think about it ( easier said than done). I have been keeping to myself for a while now, I really dont go far or do much, however I have a new job. So I am keeping myself busy as much as I can.
Anyway on a happier not how is your pregnancy going?
and what is your due date?
do you know what you are having?
are you going to find out?
Keeping well?
have you put much weight back on being pregnant? I know that is my big fear, thats where a I put my weight on in the first place.
oh well, thats it for now..

Hi Lee...you sound pretty good.
A very good friend of mine had two rounds of IVF and now has two kids. Ihope that you are able to realize your dream.
I'm still pregnant, at about 18 weeks today. My due date is 2.26.06 -a couple of months ago, my OB/GYN was concerned that I had lost 8 pounds in 1 month - Yes, it was shocking that a medical professional was concerned with excessive weight loss. I was concerned that I would have gained 10 pounds, I had been eating a lot. The doc. even said, we don't want to have to put you on a 3000 calorie diet, so jus****ch what you are doing. Since then, I've gained 2 pounds and have my next pre-natal visit on October 11 for the stage 2 ultrasound. I may be able to have the sex detected then. Not sure if I want to know or not. I'm considered "higher" risk, due to my advanced maternal age - 36. that hasn't meant anything to me at this point. I'm faced to decide whether to have a VBAC or repeat c-section. Do I want to breast or bottle feed and do I want my tubes tied. decisions, decisions.
my weight gain is not a concern for me right now...just the health of the baby. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I will for you as well. Keep me posted on your baby journey.
hugs, Denise