Could this still be a stomach virus?
I had a full-blown stomach virus last week (Tuesday) and even though I'm not vomiting anymore, my stomach just isn't right. I get hungry and eat, but when I eat (and I'm not eating much) I get a nauseating feeling in my stomach for about an hour. My insides have been gurgling and carrying on since last week.
Have any of you had a virus since surgery? Is this normal or should I call my doctor. It just doesn't seem like anything real serious, just so aggravating!
Also, I know this is silly, but I wonder if the bigger portion of our stomachs are affected when we have a virus. And if they are, how.
Since you haven't felt well for over a week, I would definitely call the doctor and make an appt to get in. About 3 weeks ago, I woke up with vomiting, diahhrea, and major stomach cramping. The vomiting stopped within a hour but the diahhrea continued on for hours. Then fever of 101 and sweating started in for a while too. I really got dehydrated. Got myself stabilized but the only water bowel movements (sorry for the graphic description) continued on. Even Imodium AD didn't help a bit. After 3 days of this and a loss of 6 lbs I got in to see the doctor with a same day appt. She felt I had a virus, gave me some RX anti-diahhrea stuff.
It took me over 8 days to get better. She had me only doing bland, binding foods. So it was plain mashed potatoes, tiny bits of rice, toast, cheese and fluids, fluids, fluids.
I bounced back now, but it was awful while I had it. I was really scared something had gone wrong at one point. I firmly believe it is better to be checked by the doctor when something has gone on longer than it should OR if you are concerned something is wrong. If you call, tell them you need to get in ASAP as you have been sick now over a week.
Feel better soon and let us know how you are doing.