Mayo Clinic study mentioned by Noelle
I found it on the website below (add www. to the beginning) after bariatric surgery.html
the article is titled "A Controlled study of Peripheral Neuropathy after Bariatric Surgery" and was published in the October 2005 issue of Neurology magazine.
It is interesting reading, but it is quite clear that they believe a major contributer in most cases (and I stress most...NOT all cases) is malnutrition following poor nutritional counseling.
It is certainly something we all need to be aware of and I appreciate Noelle bringing it to our attention.
add http://www. to the beginning
With the spaces in your link, I couldn't get the page to come up. Thanks for posting. Interesting article.
Thanks for the link Julie. Very interesting!
We're in the stage of waiting for insurance approval for my daughter to have Lap RNY. Its funny how much more I worry about her having the surgery than myself! I also worry about things like this happening to her. I have every confidence in our surgeon and pray she does just as well as I have. I received excellent nutritional counseling and am attending her classes with her, with the same nutritionist. She is only 18 years old and the bariatric center is requiring that she see a counselor throughout this process. I think her seeing the counselor is a great idea. They said that at such a young age, they feel she needs the counselor for any needed emotional support. Who knows what goes on in a young ladies mind at that age! We've both been through raising teen aged girls, haven't we?!
Anyway, didn't mean to ramble..... just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the link.
How exciting for your daughter. I remember you talking about how difficult it was for her as you lost your weight, even though I know she loves you and is proud of you. And yes, I think it probably IS a good thing to see a counselor; late-teen, early-twenties girls have soooo many emotional issues on their mind. Funny, it's difficult to recall how I felt at that age, but I know my daughter wheels from being very up to very, very down pretty quickly. The peer pressure to "find someone and marry" when everyone else is getting married, is a mine-field of emotional hurt and "why not me's?" Only family, God, and lots of prayer gets them through this period without a lot of hurts.
I think it's a good thing that she wants to take charge of her life in this way and how awesome that you're there to support her. Please keep us posted on her progress and let us know when her surgery is scheduled as we'll all want to keep her in our prayers.
"Only family, God, and lots of prayer gets them through this period without a lot of hurts."
Julie.... No truer words have been said about teen aged girls! She is such a loving, beautiful girl. I do worry so about her health! I will keep you and the rest of the February 2004 family posted on her progress.
Thanks, Wanda
I am really proud and happy for your daughter for taking control of her life
I was 22 when I had surgery (I'll be 24 next month) and I remember everyone gasping and making comments about how young I am and why not try harder to do it alone. But I knew in my heart and soul it was the right thing for me to do. More power to her for not being afriad to take control!!!! The emotional issues dont go away just by having the surgery, I know I still struggle everyday with them. But this surgery changed my life for the better and the emotional issues are def. easier to deal with now than they were when I was 265!!! Only 15lbs till I am a century club member!! Tell her good luck for me wanda!! I knwo there are other young people on these boards and I am sure in her group but if she ever needs someone to talk to she can always email me or post something on here for me!!

Thanks Julie
I looked all over on that website and there was some very good and interesting information. I thought that it was good that there were success stories that dealt as much with the mental picture as they did with the physical outcomes.
I also thought it was interesting that none of the surgeons faulted other surgeons for the problems some of their patients were having and it was noted that there is a percentage of gastric bypass patients who just plain have malabsorption problems no matter what they do.
It did, however, stress the importance of proper nutrition after surgery, and that patients should do their best to be compliant about supplements.
Geez, didn't know my name would be ina topic line....hehehehe
I too have read the study and like before mentioned, it wouldn't have mattered what I didn't nothing would have helped. I did get nutritional support before and after surgery. Just didn't help.
You are very welcome for bringing it to your attention, I couldn't get on the computer fast enough once I got home to tell everyone.
P.S. Just an update - 6 days after I came home from the hospital I was placed in again for 7 days with a massive infection in the Groshong catheter that I get my TPN through. After 7 days I was allowed to come home again with another 8 days following of IV antibiotics at home every 4 hours for 1 of them and every 12 hours for the other. I went back to the neurologist this past Monday (25th) and was told that since I had had such an infection and was off the TPN for 7 days (and regressed) that I needed to have a feeding tube put in my intestines. Surgery is scheduled for August 10 at 11:30.