GB update
Morning Fam!!
I had my gallbladder taken out Wed. of last week. I had to go in pretending like it was an emergency but it was worth it. I went home the same night and have been recovering ever since. I am living on cereal, protein shakes, and pretzels b/c nothing else tastes good or it makes me sick to eat it. I am trying to work as we speak (I am a medical coder and am cleared to work from home all week) but I am still having a good amount of pain when I sit up too long so I am gonna need to go lay down in a few. Thank you all for your advice and concern!! How long did it take you to recover if you had yours out? They took mine out laproscopically and used my stab wounds from my bypass sx. thanks!

Hey Sarah,
Glad you got things taken care of sooner rather than later.
I'm trying to think, but I'm pretty sure it was a couple weeks before I really felt good again. I didn't run for an extra week because doing so still pulled on the scar site and was pretty tender.
You'll feel good as new in no time! Thanks for the update, I was wondering how you were doing.
I had mine out years ago and it was done open. I just remember being told to avoid milk and high fats (NOTE: I was lactose intolerant before the surgery) and to wait about 2 months before adding them back in.
Take it easy, it takes time to heal BUT you will feel so much better now that it is gone.
Hi Sarah,
I must have missed an earlier post as I don't understand why you had to pretend it was an emergency?
I can't believe how fast people are sent home from the hospital these days. My gall bladder was taken out with an open procedure 28 years ago. I went home after 7 days of no complications. Sorry can't remember how long it took to heal, I only remember the intense pain of open abdominal surgery.
Why must you rush your healing? You need rest. It takes time for the anesthesia gases to work out of your body. What about pain meds, I hope they gave you some that make the pain bearable. If you can manage the pain, you'll be able to do more without pain and you can rest comfortably.
Take it easy. I bet you are really happy to have that puppy out!

I had to pretend it was an emergency so they would take me up to surgery from the emergency room. I was scheduled to have it done outpt this week but I had been having a lot of problems so the dr's office told me to go to go to the emergency room if I was only "really really sick".
I dont know why I should rush my healing to be honest. I guess I am feeling guilty b/c of taking pain medication and taking time off. I just had surgery in may that took me over 3 weeks to recover from. Thats all. Thanks for the advice!!