Sunday's Question of the Day
Haven't tried beef except for a bite. Can't tolerate lamb or pork no matter how it is cooked or how tender.
Have tried sugar, but in true moderation like a bite of Hal's dessert or 1/2 of a small cookie. I still "want/need" to believe that I will dump and I sure don't want to find out that I don't.
Hi Wanda,
I still cannot tolerate any meat or chicken or eggs. No matter how long I chew, I still feel a yucky clump in my pouch. Plus the smell of cooking them is nauseating. Greasy things are a major dump. Unfortunately, no problems with sugar, but I have to keep sweets way out of sight. I was just looking at all the new Mother's Cookies and told my daughter that I would be well over 300 pounds now had I not had surgery. I cannot eat even one...ever.
I can eat almost anything.... which is the bads news and the good news.
Too much ice cream makes me dump as well as orange juice first thing in the morning. I don't enjoy foods that are really greasy... but I do love bread and butter (fortunately, I can't eat very much of it). My best meals are still those that are protein forward with vegetables. I love fruit too!!! I didn't use to be much of a sugar person, but now it seems as though I love it.... so I keep it out of my house!!!