Question for Tuesday
Is there any part of your body that is sore since you've lost weight? Or any part of your body that you are more aware of?
Mine is my tailbone/butt. I have an office job, so the sitting really gets to me. If I sit for more than an hour straight, then it's like throbbing - visualize a cartoon where Wile E. Coyote hits his thumb with a hammer. That is my butt almost every day.
Denise - I have to stand up now.
I'll second the tailbone. I notice my back too. I don't think I'm slouching, and have always had pretty good posture. I have been seeing the comercial about that says "if you slump, you'll get your grandmother's hump" and in the back of my mind I worry about our calcium absorption. I'm especially worried, because of the Lupron injections I have been on. It clearly states that it can cause bone loss, and might not be corrected once the injections are stopped.
Ditto, although it's not constant. Some chairs seem to make it worse. I just flew to Manhattan for vacation and the plane ride was awful.
I also find it uncomfortable to sleep on my side now, because my bony knees knock into each other. My husband thinks that's funny, but I'm used to having alot of padding and my knees "clink" almost when I try to lay them on top of each other, so I have to kind of alter the way I sleep.
Oh's a small price to pay