How to hide this skin for summer!!!
How about LandsEnd, JC Penney, and there are some on QVC. I'm not buying one this summer. I don't want to invest $70.00- $100.00 until I know what size I will be. I know I will have to have one with underwire for bust support and then a skirt or shorts for the thighs. I wish the bottoms came in capri length. LOL
Here is a link for JC Penney. I like the swimsuit that is showing, but that will have to be for next year, after my TT.

Here where I live in Memphis, Tennessee, we have a boutique called The Fitting Place. They carry swim suits that have extra coverage and support. They also carry things like support garments specially made for mastectomy patients and they will measure you for proper fit. I'll bet there is a shop close to where you live that carries these types of garments. I took my mother-in-law there a few years back and bought her a swim suit. It was pricey but very good quality.
Just a thought...........Wanda
I gave up on a swimsuit this summer. I bought one on clearance at Belk's in November for $2.00, it is a tankini with a string bikini bottom I just simply wear shorts over the bottoms. I have a major problem with excess skin, the shorts bearly cover but oh well. I have also invested in a few sorong's. I wear a one piece bathing suit and wrap that sucker so tight you can't see the excess skin!!(LOL) Seriously, Wal-Mart has a great selection of swimsuits with both the surfer shorts or the little skirts it just depends on what you feel comfortable in. GOOD LUCK!!
Delainya LAP 2/13/04
I went to Boscov's Dept store. I bought one that holds your stomach in. I am in a size 8 but had to buy a size 12 because of the extra skin. I left someone talk me into buying from Victoria Secrets. Boy was that a good laugh. We are going to the Ocean City Maryland this year. I am very stressed about going this year. You think I would of been when I was 285. I have an appt with a plastic surgeron for a tummy tuck on July 22. My husband just told me for mothers day he will pay for either my thighs to be done or a boob job. Hopefully I can get the insurance to pay for the boobs.
Good Luck in finding a bathing suit.