How are you really feeling?
Good morning to everyone. How am I really feeling? That's a good question. I try to stay positive. In the past week an abusive ex boyfriend showed up telling me he loves me and wants to get back together. I really did think about it because my children love him so much. He claimed he changed, however, he showed his true colors and after 9 years (on & off) I finally had the courage to tell him I was not going to go through this with him. That he was not going to hit me because I wasn't going to let him. Then he made the comment that I thought I was all that because I lost "ALITTLE" weight. I said No, I was all that when I was 321 lbs, and by the way 140 pounds is not alittle weight. He was shocked that I FINALLY spoke up for my self and quite frankly so was I. So honestly today I am feeling pretty dag on good and very proud of myself.
My 10 month anniversary is 12/13. I have lost 140 pounds and have 30 pounds to go to get to my goal of 150.
Like always, you're right. We've learned so much over the past year and now we're out practicing it.
This morning I feel: Rested (I slept 9 hours and needed it) and cold - always cold. Other than that, I'm so content it seems unfair. My husband is wonderful; the kids are all doing well and I just bought my first size 8 dress (yippee!!). Last year this time, I was 95 pounds heavier, had just lost the job I adored, had a backache most of the time and was taking lots of medications. This year, Christmas just feels blessed and peaceful; What more could I ask for? There's nothing I want for Christmas this year, I've already been given so much. So I'm focusing on doing for others; I've had a couple of opportunities to do so annonymously and I LOVE it!
I love you all.
This month in Dec I'm always hungry it seems. Sometimes I can eat sometimes I can't. I get very tired my days are short I want to call it a night at 6pm and say nite nite to everyone. They said my blood work was good so I can't blame it on that. But my jeans look good regardless of how I feel. Life go's on regardless.