Gall bladder gone, but wait...
Hi All,
As many of you know, I had my gall bladder out last week. The surgery was a success and the pathology report on it was that it definitely was very sick. It had gall stones as well as signs of chronic and acute inflammation. I'm glad it's gone, BUT...
Evidently some of the symptoms I've been having aren't all related to the gall bladder. When I mentioned I was having pain, the surgeon immediately told me that I should get scoped again to see what's going on. What I described was not what I should be feeling even if it was residual carbon dioxide gas from surgery.
So... one problem fixed, another yet to be identified. I'll let you all know when I know. He thinks possibly another stricture or an ulcer.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I was hoping you'd be feeling wonderful once that rotten gall bladder was gone. Hang in there and work with the doctor and you'll eliminate one thing at a time until you're completely well. You've come soooo far and I'm so impressed by your running; Wish I could say I've been as faithful about the exercise.
You look if we can just get you feeling just as great!
Hi Pat,
My gall bladder was removed just two weeks ago. The medication helps with stone formation, but not function. My gall bladder was only 19% functioning and had both acute and chronic inflammation so it was sick anyway. I also had some stones, but they weren't very obvious from the ultrasound, so I doubt they were the main problem. When they do a HIDA scan, the drug they give you makes the gall bladder work. My main symptoms were similar to those I had during that scan.
My biggest problem now is that I'm still having some pain and a lot of nausea that should've been resolved if my gall bladder was the only thing wrong. I find out tomorrow if I have another stricture or other problem when I get yet another scope done.
Thanks for asking and replying,
Lynn thanks for your message. Didn't the surgeon take an ultrasound of your gallbladder before he did your surgery? My Dr after he put me asleep xrayed my gallbladder and said it was in good shape. He gave me pills to take for 3 months after to prevent any stones. I'm 8 months out and haven't had any problems so far. Pat