Answer to My Tushie is sore..........
Thanks to everyone *****plyed to my tailbone issue.
I actually did call my surgeon yesterday and he told me that some people do complain about tailbone-Tushy pain. After loosing over 100 pounds he said that the fat has dissapeard it exposes more of the tailbone and then it creates pain. LOL He also said that it takes time to get used to the less padding, but if it doesn't go away to take some x-rays.
I said that it is painful problem, but I guess it is worth it.
He suggested some anti-inflamitory or a cushon for a while.
Let me know if anyone has this
Thanks Jill
Good evening Jill,
I've lost 130 pounds and have the same problem. My daughter bought me one of those rubber donuts. She got it at a medical supply store - where the sell canes and such. She saw one at Walgreen's too, but the quality was not as good. I put it on my chair and get good relief from sitting on my tail bone.
Paula A.
Hey i have also had this problem. My pain got bad enough that i went to an orthopeadic doc and had an injection in the tip of bone. It hurt for a couple of days but the difference is amazing. After about a month i have noticed that it started hurting again. There is a n option of surgury. Having the tailbone removed. I know that it is drastic but if the pains bad enough some o us will do anything.