what, no new posts today?
How is everyone? I'm feeling good. Many people are noticing my weight loss, which I sometimes have trouble responding to. Someone called me "SKINNY" today. LOL.
I am growing tired of people asking me, "how do you feel" and "what can you eat". Once and for all, I FEEL JUST FINE and I can eat just about anything I want. Maybe they are just being concerned and considerate. Enough already.
Have a glorious day!
Im doing good, however the day has just started....
I know what you mean with all the questions, the one I keep getting is what can you eat?. drives me nuts, at least once a day, I'm thinking about making a flier that I can just hand out to people who ask these questions.. lol
I got whistled at yesterday when I went into the Manhattan, what a great feeling to know that I still have it, or more to the point.. I got it back!
I'm also doing well today. Just to see if I could, I did an extra rotation of walk/jog when I was exercising. Did just fine, but ended up a little sweatier than normal!
My husband said that some guy was checking me out in the gas station this weekend - until hubby said he'd meet me back in the truck. I didn't even notice!
I seldom get asked questions about what I can and can't eat or how I feel, so I'm glad of that.
Weight loss has been slow to non-existent lately, but that time of the month still causes water-retention for me, and my exercising is pretty high-intensity. I'm hoping that's the reason. But on a brighter note, I have lost 71# which is ~65% of my excess weight, so I am really already successful. My BMI is below 30, I can jog for 4 minutes straight, and really feel good. This wouldn't be possible without WLS, I am so thankful.
I'm having a good day. The scale FINALLY moved today so that helped my mood a lot!!! I've now lost 61 since surgery(about 137 pounds total). I have to do a little dance for joy.
Hubby and kids and I are taking a train to Chicago tonight. We will be on vacation for 4 days. I'm looking forward to it. I'm just busy packing and cleaning house. Trying to remember everything!
I'm always getting questions about how i'm feeling and what I can eat too. My hubby and my dad both told everyone they knew (and I think a few people they didn't) about my surgery. Sometimes I don't mind and other times it is annoying. I know most people mean well though.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Linda -61
Hello Denise,
I am doing wonderful today.The questions that get me is when I am eating an they say "Oh you can eat that?" It's like umm yea. I eat a grilled chicken salad from East Of Chicago everyday for lunch.I can't eat the whole thing at one sitting so it lasts for about three lunches. I just smile at people because they truely do not understand the changes we have went through.I eat healthy now,I eat alot less. Oh well have a wonderful Day.
Take Care, Trisha-122
The question that trips my trigger is "how much have you lost now"? Keep in mind that most people don't know that i have had WLS. They just notice that I am losing weight. When they ask me this it is not in a private conversation sort of way it is them yelling down the hall or in the parking lot. I am not sure why it ticks me off but i am sure something to do with old insecurities and the fact that it isn't any of their freakin' business. For the past 2 months I have just been saying that i stopped weighing a while back and just go by how my clothes feel.