Medic Alert Bractlet????
If you go thru the Medic Alert Organization ... they have set verbage they use. Call them rather than doing it over their website as it is much easier to start with.
I have used Medic Alert for years because of allergies. I like going thru them because they have a 24/7 hotline that medical staff can contact for additional information on you including health history, allergies, emergency contacts, doctor name & phone number etc. Worth the $20 or $25 a year fee in my opinion.
They have some very nice bracelets and necklaces. I chose a bracelet and wear it all the times, never taking it off. (add http://www to the beginning)
Hi Lee!
I have my gold Medic Alert Bracelet, it says: RNY Gastric Bypass, No NG Tube without Endos....and also that I am a diabetic, it's really important that medical people should know if you are unconscious in an accident.
I'm heading to the mountains to spend a couple days quiet and peaceful with my hubby, he's rented a summer Chalet and it will be nice to go where NO ONE knows your name! Haha......
Happy Fourth!
I got one right away..I had trouble when ordering it off the website, because they didnt have gastric bypass as an option or medical condition. I actually called to make sure it was done right.
Mine says:
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Greenfield Vena Cava Filter (specific to me..had to have a filter installed so blood clot would not move in wrong direction)
Call Medicalert and has my ID #
It is a good idea to have one.