cheese slows weight loss?
Julie, i, too, cut out cheese last week and the scale finally moved after 3+ weeks of nothin'!! i was using slices of colby to make my turkey sandwiches. I eat the low carb yogurt once in a while just for something sweet but haven't had a glass of skim milk since about week 3 when it made me a little sick.
i am using benefiber also but with the 1500 mg of calcium i am on i have been experiencing some MAJOR problems. i had to leave work yesterday and pick up a softener i was so miserable. i am a little better today. i wish my doc had warned me about what calcium can do
.....i would have been upping the benefiber and trying to add a little more fruit. OH welllll live and learn. it is still all worth it! Kelly

don't want to take credit for the info i found out by calling a nurse friend of mine and went over all the stuff i am taking....she said that (hope i don't offend anyone) calcium can cause people to have BMs hard as bricks.....and that described me to a T the last couple of days. i am upping my water also. i find that i get really lax on that on weekends cause i am on the go so much.
Okay girls, be completely honest with me... what does this benefiber taste like, feel like and how does it help? I'm so consitpated right now. I just started last night, and I usually have runny stools for the first 2 days, but not this time. I know this is a totally gross subject, but I feel yucky.
I have heard that the calcium constipates. That is just my luck.
Debbie -54 well, the scale finally dropped another lb.

YEHHHHH on the scale finally moving. mine did too!
here is what i am learning from other folks, including my nurse friend i mentioned to julie earlier. Calcium will constipate in the extra form we are taking it in until our bodies adjust. The benefiber is great cause it has no taste and i drink it in my protein shake in the am or just plain water. unfortunately, i forget to add it sometimes. i am taking the softener every other day for a while cause i don't want to go through the pain i was in over the weekend. i think the benefiber is more of a way to keep your bowels running regular and giving you extra fiber than a laxative but i could be wrong about that.
deb, i also usually have diarrhea the first 2 days of my cycle and this time it was anything but that!!! i was feeling a little better but the stomach cramping is starting again so hopefully this will pass sooooon!!!!
Geesh...don't apologize for asking. Who ELSE could we talk about these issues with? LOL?
Odd, I generally get sick the first 24-36 hours too, but don't do it much anymore. I even resorted to using something stronger than Colace once.
Benefiber is okay...doesn't taste bad and helps keep things moving right along!