Scales....... Addicted???
Just wanted to know if I was the only one that was addicted to their scales???
I tried to hide them from myself, I put them in the linen closet which is in my bathroom.... however every time I walked past the closet I knew they were hiding in there just waiting to tell me what I weighed, so sure enough 3 days later they came back into the light and now....
I stand on them every time I'm in the bathroom....
phew, glad I got that off my chest!
Sad I know, Just wanted to share, anyone else have the same obsession with their scales?
Thanks. While I didn't yell back, I did address the issue by telling the person I wished to maintain a good working relationship, but would not be spoken to that way again. Go me! I would NEVER have done that before surgery, but I really am feeling alot more confident in a lot of different areas.
I'm already looking for a new job. I'm waiting right now for a call from a job that I really, really want but they're dragging their feet; I have a second interview at another place on Thursday and was contacted yesterday by e-mail from another job asking if I was still interested in interviewing. I'm sure something will open up....but I HOPE it opens up soon.
Thanks for caring,
P.S. Anyone heard from Kelly lately? I know she's busy with her family issues, but I hope she knows we miss her here!