KFC - Oven Roasted Chicken has sugar in it
We noticed today that Kentucky Fried Chicken now has oven roasted chicken. Here's the link to the news release about it:
kfc.com/about/pr/042704.htm (add http://www. to the beginning)
Well, I went to nutritional information and the 3 chicken strip meal is low in fat etc, but it has 8 grams of sugar in it. So I checked the sides (green beans & seasoned rice and their sugar total is 3) so that makes the chicken alone 5 grams of sugar. Original KFC (very high in fat) has no sugar in it.
Not sure why they would add sugar, but wanted to let you know just in case you wanted to try it and didn't think of sugar being added to it.
Hey Mary... I just want to say that if anything is good there I usually know first hand my daughter works there so i can give it a taste,
but i know better than that (sometimes)
She brings food home to other family members I just have a taste
trying to follow the rules
The new foods start here on Mon. so i will have to try a SMALL sample
If you ate 1 strip of it or 1/2 of one, you would get 2 grams of sugar or less. That wouldn't be too bad especially since the oven roasted is so much lower in calories and fat than the regular.
We didn't try it, just saw the signs as we drove by so I looked it up on the internet to learn more about it. I think the article said the kick-off for them was Monday the 10th.
Let us know if you try it.