5 questions
On my state board, we do a thing called 5 questions. The first person to respond with answers, posts the next set of questions for the next day.
I will begin:
1. If you could be someone else for a week, who would you be?
2. What was the final straw that made you decide to have WLS surgery?
3. What is your favorite type of music?
4. Do you feel that since you have already had the surgery that your new goals have become more cosmetic?
5. If stranded on a deserted island, who is the one person you would most like to be there with you?
1. My boss's boss...and I would make some positive changes!!!
2. My knees deteriorating so rapidly
3. 80's hair band heavy metal
4. Yes, I know that living longer and saving my knees will come and that I will not see results from that in the short term, so now my goals seem to be cosmetic in nature, but my main goal is still to remain active and eat right
5. I am torn on my own question..at first you would think that you would want a sexy man, but the more I think about it, I would rather have someone that you can talk with, laugh with, be creative and light-hearted for the long haul--I guess my choice would be my husband.
Ok, here's my answers
1. My boss, but not because she's my boss. Because she's a nice person, is of an ethnic orgin that I am unfamiliar with, she's terribly attractive, all of the things I have never been. Oh.. and she's young!
2. The inability to get around. Bad knees and pain. And I got tired of sitting around, literally, the house.
3. I like almost everything. Except rap. My first choice would probably be blues.
4. No, goals not more cosmetic. My goals are so basic I don't care what I look like any more. My goals are just to be able to walk without pain, or at least tolerable pain and not have to worry about every step. Its working!
5. This is a tough one. Do I have to choose just one? I'm torn. It would either by my husband (32 years) or my daughter. Let's make it my husband. After all these years, I just can't imagine life without him and woulnd't want to. My daughter should be able to live her own life, so I wouldn't want to strand her on an island. She has so much to experience yet.
There you go!
Okay, Dorothy...let me think.
1) I'd like to be my husband for a week; I think I'd gain alot of insight into what makes him tick, what stresses or excites him about his job and why he does some of what he does.
2) Being told that adding cholesterol medicine was the next step in an increasing list of medications; Scared me silly since my mother is a walking advertismenet for heart disease
3) I like top 40 music, soft jazz, and old "torch or lounge" music, like from the 40's and 50's. Love Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole.
4)Yes, unfortunately, I'm probably too focused on how I look, but feeling good is SUCH a blessing and I'm now medication free.
5) My best friend; we talk about EVERYTHING and laugh all of the time when we're together.
Hope this helps. Post the next 5 and I'll try to answer those as well.
1. My oldest daughter who is 16. Just so I can be young and skinny and also so I can know what she is up to!
2. One of the final straws was having a flight attendant hand me a seatbelt extender without me asking for one. I was so tired of everything being a great effort and missing out on doing things with my kids.
3. classic rock
4. In part---sure. I like seeing myself looking better. Part of it is also being more comfortable walking, driving etc. It is great to feel better physically.
5. My best friend.
1. If you could be someone else for a week, who would you be?
2. What was the final straw that made you decide to have WLS surgery?
3. What is your favorite type of music?
4. Do you feel that since you have already had the surgery that your new goals have become more cosmetic?
5. If stranded on a deserted island, who is the one person you would most like to be there with you?
1. My answer o=would have to be no one. I love who I am. I have never been so happy in my life, even with turmoil. I met my fiance 3 years ago and live a fairy tale life now (not financially but emotionally). So I wouldn't trade for a week with anyone.
2. When the doc said that she was going to put me on insulin soon. I aid no way, I am having surgery. best decision I have ever made. I still take meds but I feel 1000% better.
3. Classic rock and roll baby!
4. No, my real goal is to get off diabetes meds. But cosmetics pampering makes me feel pretty.
5. My fiance, no doubt. He is my best friend, he's funny, smart, silly, loving, devoted, and my soulmate.
Great thread! Can't wait for the next one.