I would like to find people having surgery on Febuary 23 2004
Ericka,Thanks for writing back. I agree it would be cool to have someone who is going through the same life change to share the experience with. My name on my profile is Ella but I actually go by Kathy. I went to have my labs done today and finally got to talk to my surgeon. I'm very excited. My surgery is at Good Sam in Phoenix Az at 1:00pm.Well I won,t bore you write back soon
Wooo hoo for the 23rd! It's a great day for a new beginning. I will be having my surgery that day as well. I have been buying everything I can think of to make life easier. Not sure if it will help, but I am at least making the time go by. I bought one of those bed lounger things that helps you sit up in bed. I have bought all kinds of samples of protein drinks. You might try this website vitalady.com. They sell samples of different protein drinks and soups for gastric bypass patients. That way you don't have to buy the whole thing if you don't like it. I have also bought 2 new robes for the hospital and books galore for my at home time. I have been eating and drinking everything I won't have anymore. I guess its silly, but my doctor says "you may as well live it up now" Good luck to all of us on the 23rd!
That is so funny I also have been eating everything I can imagine. Lets see Monday: Olive Garden Tues: Outback Steak house Wed: Applebees and tonight I had Pizza Hut. My friends think I'm crazy
but I have to start this liquid diet next week, you best believe i'm taking advantage of food.
. The only thing is i'm kinda feeling guilty for eating so much. (did i say kinda)
Well take care everyone..Goodluck to everyone and God bless