I'M HOME!!!!
Hi all, just wanted to let you know I'm home from the hospital. Wouldn't want to go through all this again, that's for sure, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The first and third day of surgery was the hardest pain wise. I was up within 3 hours of being in my room to do an inital walk around the floor,
and did 7 more in the evening. Every day I increceased the walking time, and I think that helped me feel alot better. My insiscion looks pretty ugly and is crooked at the top lol, I call it my worm. I still have the J-tube sticking out of me for drainage and to put fluids in if I need them. I think the worse thing that happend was when they took the ng-tube out, the one that goes down your nose to the stomach. The tube had adheard sp? and had lots of draingage sticking ukkk i know. But when she pulled it out, it ripped our all that stuff with it. i swear it felt like she had flesh with it. I screamed, then cried. She did it real fast but i wasn't able to communicte pain other that screaming. I started bleeding out the nose and mouth and coughing up the blood. I t was so discusting. The nurse freaked out, saing she had never see that happen and was sorry. I'm doing pretty well pain wise the pills are helping mostly. Rex DH is being good helping me with the bathroom. He had me laughing so bad going BABY, b/c my gas now has a horrible oder. It is pretty bad lol. I'm still tring to get used to eating and drinking. Liquids fill me up and a few bites of food. Some stuff is sitting well, others not. I'm still trying to learn my tummy to know if the pain means hungry or gas going down. It is a different feeling. I'm still pretty sore and tired. Thank you all for the sweet thoughts and prayers. God heard them, and I am truely grateful.
Good Luck to all the pre-ops with dates coming up, you are in my thoughts and prayers. And I hope the rest of you new post-ops are dong well too. God bless

Jessie; I want to thank you for your follow up so soon after returning home from the hospital. As a pre-op, it gives me hope to hear that you're doing so well so soon after your surgery. As my nervousness mounts and my day approaches,(2/11/04) I'll have the memory of your courage to help me through my doubts and fears. Thanks again, Bob in Tempe, Arizona.