Protein Shakes
go to your nearest GNC store and ask them if they have samples of some WHey protein. it is fantastic. some of the stores have some for either $2.00 ea. or they may be free. then try one by EAS ADVANTAGE LOW CARB. you can buy these at Wal-Mart and GNC ...they are good ...also go to WWW.VITALADY.COM she has samples for $1.99 ea with a variety of flavors to choose from.also she has SUGAR-FREE flavoring Syrups you can buy to add extra flavor. i buy alot from her . you can email me if you like at [email protected] if you need more info... god luck
Hi Sharon,
I have heard about the protien drinks and i read some of the replys on your site and it helped me too, i also wasn't sure what to get. I have to meet with a Nutritionist next week so hopefully i will find out what i need to. Those shakes at Wal-Mart sound like something to check out. I saw at Costco these huge containers of Protien drinks in different flavors for $19.99.
Try to relax
and think positive~
My surgery is in 3 weeks on the 23rd and i am very nervous and anxioius too. Best of Luck to you for a
Successful Surgery and a Speedy Recovery!

Hi Jill,
Thanks for responding. I am starting out with GNC natural designer whey. I don't won't to go crazy yet until I know what I can tolerate. I am also getting some samples from The best of luck to you, too. Let me know how you do. I am happy I found this site. It is great to have all this support.
Hi, my surgery is on the 27th of Feb. I spoke with my surgeon about protein shakes and he told me not to drink them, they are added calories. At the same time I spoke with someon who had the surgery and she drank protien drinks and said she did not lose her hair. So my question is who is right? The protein drinks are so that I get all my vitamins?