My Date 02/25/2004 - YAAHOOOOOO!
Hi John, My surgery is also February 25th. I am nervous and anxious and another dozen or so feelings. I wonder if I am doing the right thing. But I am tired of being large and have the small people look at me like I came from another world. I just keep telling myself that this is strictly for me. I live in upstate NY, but have a sister living north of Cinncy. Good luck to you. Suz

Lori C.
on 2/6/04 6:51 am - Dallas, OR
on 2/6/04 6:51 am - Dallas, OR
Hi John, I am also having surgery 2/25. This is the year. YAHOO! I will be thinking of you and others on this great day.
Hi John,
I'm scheduled for February 25th also. It is exciting and scarey at the same time. I've calmed down a lot. When I first heard of my surgery date I was terrified. But as the days past, and I received encouraging words from other members, I felt better about my decision. I feel for the first time in a long time that I will succeed with this. I have too! I have no choice. Have faith. Just think in a couple of weeks we'll be on the losing side. How great is that!!!