My mortifying moment
My hubby and I own a ethnic food store. Not good if you're trying to lose weight. Yesterday I got on the floor to help my son put on his shoes. (He loves to tear off his clothes and run through the store.
(The customers find it more amusing than I do.) When I went to pull myself up using the shelf, it pulled out of the unit.
A shelf full of glass bottles came crashing to the ground.
My son screamed and cried
running to my husband and the few customers in there laughed really hard.
In my head they were laughing because, I (as big as I am) thought I could pull myself up using the shelf. I just wanted to hide.
My husband said to me after everyone left that I'm lucky the whole unit didn't fall on me. I know he didn't mean it in a bad way but I felt worse. He must of realized it because he kept trying to cheer me up after that.
I just hope that after my surgery I can get up without assistance. Then I wont have to worry about this any more. Only 21 days left until I come to the loosing side of life.

Hi Samantha,
Hi, I just read your story and i can totally understand. I can't get up without holding on to something or someone, because of my bad knees! It is embarassing and i hope that changes after i loose weight. Don't be embarrassed those people in the store will forget about it and your husband and your son love you.
You will be feeling good about yourself soon and be able to do more things yourself.
So just relax
and think happy thoughts about the new things that will come to you soon.
I wish you the best of luck and a Successful Surgery
and a Speedy Recovery!!!- Jill