When to Eat The Last Big Meal?
Does anyone know when you can eat your last big meal before the surgery? I just can't figure out what to eat, my kids have alot of suggestions for me.
I have heard a week or two i am not sure. I am having my stress test and Echo done next monday then that's it! It is alot of follow-up between Doctors offices to get referals and orders faxed, one says they already faxed and the other says they never got it
UGH !!!!!
It just adds to the stress of everything.Anyway it is almost done and time for the day is getting sooner February 23rd.
Good Luck to Everyone this month Surgerys

Hi Jill- I am also having my sugery on Feb 23rd. I would say we could eat our last big meal a couple days before surgery. They are going to put you on a very strong laxative to clean you out the night before the surgery, anyways. I will have my last meal at The Outback steak house. I love their onion bloosom.
Have you had any anxiety for the surgery? Ever since they gave me my date I have had nothing but anxiety. I have even been having dreams about the procedure. I have never had surgery before, and the only time I have ever spent in the hospital was when I had my son. I am sure every thing will be fine, but I still worry. I guess you would call me a worry wart. Well have a good day. And we can wait out the next 2 and a half weeks togther.
Meridth Buschow

Hi Jill,
I'm right ahead of you on Feb 17th. Since my favorite meal is prime rib, that will be my last big meal. My surgery is 3 days after Valentine's Day, so my husband and I will be going to Las Vegas for a romantic weekend to have some "us " time before my big day & I can have my fill of my favorite meal.
I am starting to get a little nervous and having doubts if I should really have the surgery or not, but I was told that that is normal to have those feelings.
Lots of Love,
Hi there! I have my surgery on 2-17 and I think I might go out on this weekend, since it will be my birthday. I'm really not in the partying mood but my kids are looking forward to it. I know that a couple days before the big day there will be no heavy eating. I have my echo on Monday, but I see my doc on Friday, so I guess he'll tell me then. Well hang in there and good luck to you and everyone having surgery this month.